“I never got paid for it”: Amber Heard’s Old Video Came Back to Haunt Her Badly as Johnny Depp’s Lawyer Grilled Her During the Trial

A clip of Amber Heard from a previous deposition was used as evidence in Johnny Depp's defamation trial, and his lawyer brutally cooked her.

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp


  • The clip showed Amber Heard confessing to trying to reach out to Johnny Depp about her divorce filing.
  • However, she accidentally revealed that TMZ was alerted before Depp knew. Attorney Camille Vasquez used this clip to expose Heard's contradiction.
  • Vasquez connected the dots to Heard's alleged leak of a video to TMZ. Heard's attempts to cover up the contradiction were unsuccessful.
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Amber Heard and Johnny Depp’s divorce case and the defamation trial that followed were some of the most iconic highlights of the century. While the initial way things played out in the actress’ favor was interesting, what was even more fascinating was how the actor ended up turning the tables on his ex-wife in one of the most intriguing defamation cases of all time.

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp in The Rum Diary. | Credits: Hollywood Pictures.
Amber Heard and Johnny Depp in The Rum Diary. | Credits: Hollywood Pictures.

With a team of expert lawyers that included the likes of the brilliant Camille Vasquez, Depp not only won against Heard in court, but also brutally defeated her. If anything, at one point during the trial, one old clip of the 38-year-old actress was brought back up as a plaintiff exhibit by Vasquez, and that video was what pretty much eventually had everyone realizing that Depp had won.

The Time Amber Heard’s Old Clip Crushed Her in Court

During the unarguably long tenure that the Heard-Depp defamation drama raged on, there was a point where an old clip of the Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom actress was brought up. In this clip, she was seen confessing that she tried to reach out to the jury judge to have someone tell Depp about the divorce she was going to file against him.


In an excerpt of the clip shared by Obvious Malcolm+ on YouTube, Heard was seen confessing:

I remember sending this [message] because I wanted to tell Johnny or have him told by Jerry or someone who knew him or was close to him – basically I didn’t want him to find out online that I had or was about to file or I had already filed for divorce. I wanted him to know verbally.

Depp and Heard in The Rum Diary. | Credits: Hollywood Pictures.
Depp and Heard in The Rum Diary. | Credits: Hollywood Pictures.

But while things initially went well with her confession, it all came tumbling down the moment when she slipped and accidentally revealed that TMZ was seemingly alerted before Johnny Depp even knew. As she went on to say:

So that he finds out about the divorce filing, or my intention to do so, from some other source other than TMZ, which was alerted-

Of course, as soon as she realized she had slipped, Heard tried to cover it up by stopping right there. However, as this played during the defamation trial, she couldn’t quite escape. Easily enough, attorney Camille Vasquez connected the dots to the fact that TMZ had been alerted about her filing of the domestic violence restraining order against Depp, and that was it for Heard.


Camille Vasquez Absolutely Destroyed Amber Heard Over This

As soon as Amber Heard accidentally confessed in the clip about the fact that TMZ had already been alerted about it all, Vasquez pounced on her. Asking her if she had slipped up there, she went on to confirm with her that TMZ was the same outlet “that you released the video of Mr. Depp attacking the kitchen counter the day before this deposition was taken, wasn’t it?”

To this, the Never Back Down actress tried to get herself out of the situation, saying “I disagree. That’s not what I’m talking about. I didn’t do that. I… don’t know how to do that.” But little did she know that Vasquez was already onto her. She went on to ask her, “TMZ owns the copyright to that video now, doesn’t it? Did they pay you for that?”

Heard and Depp in The Rum Diary. | Credits: Hollywood Pictures.
Heard and Depp in The Rum Diary. | Credits: Hollywood Pictures.

Responding to her, Heard said:


I have no idea what TMZ owns. I never got paid for it because I had nothing to do with that.

Even then, she meekly tried to wound her way out of it, saying, “I have no idea [how TMZ got that clip]. That’s not my area of expertise. I wouldn’t even know how to do that.” But, by this point, everyone knew that Heard was already cooked and her lies were being brutally pulled by Depp’s lawyer into the light. And, well, we can’t really blame Vasquez for doing that, can we, now?


Written by Mahin Sultan

Articles Published: 1447

Mahin Sultan is a News Content Writer at FandomWire. With more than a year's worth of experience in her field, she has explored and attained a deep understanding of numerous topics in various niches, mostly entertainment.

An all-things-good enthusiast, Mahin is currently pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Commerce, and her love for entertainment has given her a solid foundation of reporting in the same field. Besides being a foodie, she loves to write and spends her free time either with her nose buried in a good book or binging on COD or K-dramas, anime, new movies, and TV serials (the awesome ones, obviously).

So far, Mahin's professional portfolio has 1,000+ articles written on various niches, including Entertainment, Health and wellbeing, and Fashion and trends, among others.