Concord is Inarguably PlayStation’s Biggest Failure, After Sales Estimates Come to Light

Concord is one of the worst failures in PlayStation history, according to new sales numbers that have emerged.

Concord Playstation


  • According to analysts, Concord didn’t even surpass 30,000 copies sold on PS5.
  • Firewalk Studios' development of this game may rank among Sony's worst recent failures.
  • Live-service games are a highly competitive field in which not every title can succeed.
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Concord, which initially received a rather lukewarm reception at the last State of Play, failed to capture players’ attention, and the numbers likely continue to alarm Sony. According to market analysts, this game from Firewalk Studios barely sold 25,000 copies on the PS5, positioning it to become one of the worst failures in the company’s recent history.


The live-service game landscape is becoming increasingly competitive and saturated with similar kinds of IPs, and titles that lack sufficient originality end up destined to fail.

Concord’s Alarming Numbers Are Worrying


This hero-shooter surprised with a cinematic trailer that seemed to offer a group of fairly intriguing characters. Regrettably, the initial gameplay revealed itself as a mere Overwatch clone, dispelling all the excitement.


Players expressed their disinterest in playing Concord, generating a plethora of negative comments. To make matters worse, it was going to be a paid game, so the hype was almost nonexistent.

All this inactivity foreshadowed a dark fate for the game in terms of player numbers. Unfortunately for the studio, this prediction came true, and on the platforms where it was released, PS5 and PC, it did not sell as expected.

Analysts say that on PlayStation 5, it hasn’t even reached 30,000 copies sold. Unlike games like Helldivers 2, which was a resounding success for Sony, this title will likely close its doors very soon.


PlayStation Suffered One of Its Most Resounding Failures in Years

In the middle of a match of Concord.
Concord is one of the biggest fails in PlayStation history, according to recent numbers. Image Credits: Firewalk Studios

The general reaction to this game was almost nonexistent, and the fact that it lacked a marketing team to help promote it only worsened the situation. Some users on platforms like X, say that even if this game had been free-to-play, it probably would have had the same number of players.

The oversaturated market for this type of title is making companies realize that they should consider their projects much more carefully.

With these sales figures, Concord ranks as one of the worst-performing games in PlayStation’s history, or at least in the last 10 years. One of the big questions surrounding this project is why Sony decided to invest in a game of this nature when Overwatch’s peak had already passed.


Decisions like these only add to the growing list of failures, suggesting that the top executives at these companies don’t understand what players really want.

Many players and analysts believe that in the coming months, Concord will transition to a free-to-play model, but they still doubt it will attract more players due to the unappealing nature of the game.

This Japanese company will need to reassess its upcoming projects and should avoid following trends that seem functional, instead striving for more originality when creating a game of this kind.


What are your thoughts on this title’s failure? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 965

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.