“You need to stop looking at my knees”: Halle Berry is Baffled After Her Knee Shape Gets Compared to a Disturbing Harry Potter Demon

Halle Berry responds with humor to a tweet comparing her knee to the eerie Shrieking Book from Harry Potter. Her playful reaction fascinated fans.

Halle Berry, Harry Potter


  • Halle Berry came across a bizarre comparison while appearing on the Mean Tweets segment of Jimmy Kimmel’s show.
  • Halle Berry’s knee shape was humorously compared to the Shrieking Book from the Harry Potter franchise.
  • Berry laughed off the comparison and took it in stride while encouraging fans to focus on other aspects of her body.
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People might start getting nightmares in the muggle world if we reveal how Potterheads once found a striking resemblance between Halle Berry and a magical item from the Wizarding World. According to the mean tweets segment on Jimmy Kimmel’s show, the X-Men actress once read a post that compared her knee to the disturbing Shrieking Book from the Harry Potter franchise. 

Halle Berry as Jinx in Die Another Day
Halle Berry in a still from Die Another Day | image: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

Although Halle Berry couldn’t contain her laugh and took the tweet as a good sport, the similarity got stuck with fans, who couldn’t get the image out of their heads. Later on, noticing how people were getting fixated on her knee, Berry hilariously urged fans to focus on her waist above rather than drawing further connections with any more magical items.   

Fans Believe Halle Berry’s Knee is a Shrieking Book Lookalike 

Oscar-winner Halle Berry found herself in an unexpected situation following her appearance on the Mean Tweets segment of Jimmy Kimmel’s show. During the program, although Berry came across several hilarious tweets roasting her, the actress found nothing more striking than the peculiar Harry Potter crossover event. 


Becoming the subject of a curious comparison, Halle Berry read a tweet that drew a shocking and somewhat unavoidable resemblance between her knee shape and an unsettling object from the Wizarding World. It all started when a fan tweeted a striking parallel between Berry’s knees and the infamous Shrieking Book from the Harry Potter franchise.

The Shrieking Book from the Harry Potter films | Image: Warner Bros.
The Shrieking Book from the Harry Potter films | Image: Warner Bros.

Why does Halle Berry’s knee look like the face of that guy who came out of the book that Harry found in the restricted section at the library at Hogwarts? Berry read. 

For those who do not know, the Shrieking Book is a magically jinxed book bound in black and silver, that’s known for its ghastly wailing and unsettling presence. Holding a collection of Christian sermons, since the book is not exactly the epitome of elegance, it’s kept in the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts Library. 

So, now that you know about the eerie and horrendous book, imagine Halle Berry’s knee being compared to that magical item. Thankfully, when the actress caught wind of this comparison, her reaction was nothing short of magical.


Halle Berry Urged Fans for No Further Harry Potter Comparisons 

Instead of launching an Avada Kedavra-level curse on the tweet’s author, Halle Berry took it in stride, laughing off the comparison. Displaying the kind of charm that only a true Gryffindor–or in this case, a Hollywood icon can muster, Berry took the comparison as a good sport. Thereafter the resemblance quickly took on a life of its own.

Potterheads quickly began envisioning a whole new realm where Halle Berry’s knees were the enchanted book of Christian sermons. However, realizing how people were getting fixated on her knee, Berry dropped a good-natured response to the viral tweet, offering it a comical life of its own. Redirecting people’s attention, Berry humorously urged her fans to focus on her gracious features waist above

Halle Berry played Storm in multiple X-Men films
Halle Berry as Storm in X-Men | image: Fox Studios

You need to stop looking at my knees. Like, the show is up here [gesturing to her appealing features, waist above]. 

Overall, the actress’s playful take on the whole magical mockery demonstrated that even in the face of odd comparisons, Halle Berry could always find a way to keep things light-hearted. And as for the fans still fixated on the eerie knee comparison, well, they might just need to wait for the next magical encounter in the muggle world. 


Harry Potter films are currently available to watch on Max. 


Written by Krittika Mukherjee

Articles Published: 1902

Krittika is a News Writer at FandomWire with 2 years of prior experience in lifestyle and web content writing. With her previous works available on HubPages and Medium, she has woven over 1700 stories with us, about fan-favorite actors, movies, and shows. Post-graduate in Journalism and Honors-graduate in English Literature, when this art enthusiast isn't crafting your next favorite article, she finds her escapism in coffee, fiction, and the Wizarding World.