7 Star Wars Outlaws Collectibles Worth Seeking Out

Star Wars Outlaws has a bunch of collectibles that players can seek out, which could potentially help them in more than one ways.

star wars outlaws


  • Star Wars Outlaws collectibles can help players gain information, collect gear, and more.
  • One collectibles allow players access to quest and gears, and other items.
  • The list contains all the best collectibles you can find in Star Wars Outlaws.
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Ubisoft’s Star Wars Outlaws is the latest game in the massive Star Wars universe. The game is set in the criminal underworld of the galaxy far, far away. Players as Kay Vess need to explore the world and survive during the exciting yet dangerous journey.


The game features a massive open-world, with variety of missions and quests to complete. There are also various tools, items, and collectibles that players can collect that players can find. These are the best seven Star Wars Outlaws collectibles that are worth collecting, providing valuable information.

7. Jet’s Journals

Nix and Kay Vess in Star Wars Outlaws
The voice logs give Kay Vess important information. Image via Ubisoft

Jet’s Journals are are voice logs left by Jet, the previous owner of the Trailblazer and contains lore about different places and locations Kay visits. These are part of the side quest called Jet Kordo’s Legacy and also provide Scoundrel Gear Set for players with some Speeder cosmetics as well.


There are a total of 36 Journals and some of these are Galactic Empire, Kessel Run, and Jaunta’s Hope. Jaunta’s Hope can be found in The Grazing Fields of Toshara, Kessel Run is in Southern Falls, and Galatic Empire journal is in Imperial Forward Base of the Southern Falls in Toshara.

6. Transmissions (Collect 5)

Kay exploring Toshara
The Transmissions give players access to a quest in Star Wars Outlaws. Image via Ubisoft

The Transmissions collectibles can be found by players in the orbit. Players can spot them as they visit four different orbits and collect them. It is important to make sure that players do not confuse them with the floating cargo which require destroying to get the loot.

These are yellow in color and players can collect these for access to The Veteran Expert Quest on Akiva. The quest unlocks the Decryption Module ability neeeded to decrypt the transmissions, which will allow them to unlock The Veteran abilities as they progress through Star Wars Outlaws.


5. Transmissions (Collect 16)

Kay talking to some people
Collecting all transmissions gives a gear. Image via Ubisoft

All of the 16 Transmissions collectibles are available in four orbits, namely, Toshara, Kijimi, Tatooine, and Akiva orbit and collecting them provides players the location for the Disruptor Gear. Collecting the Disruptor Gear also gives players the Old school cool achievement in Star Wars Outlaws.

The transmissions in the Toshara orbit are

  1. On the Run 04
  2. Sefin’s Journey 02
  3. Sefin’s Journey 04
  4. Sefin’s Journey 03
  5. On the Run 02
  6. Sefin’s Journey 01.

Tatooine orbit transmission is On the Run 03. Akiva orbit transmissions in Star Wars Outlaws are:

  • CIS Transmission 01
  • CIS Transmission 02
  • CIS Transmission 03
  • CIS Transmission 04

The Kijimi orbit transmissions are:

  • Maranda’s Mistake 01
  • Maranda’s Mistake 02
  • Maranda’s Mistake 03
  • Maranda’s Mistake 04
  • On the Run 01

4. Holodramas

Kay in wasteland
The Holodramas in Star Wars Outlaws are data cards with entertainment content. Image via Ubisoft

Holodramas are audio log collectibles in the form of datacards that have various entertainment content from the Star Wars universe. There are a total of 15 Holodramas that players can collect such as Baradium Dynasty Episode 58, Family of the Frontier Worlds Episode 15, Love on Deck 5 part 1, and more.

Baradium Dynasty Episode 58 can be found in the Dabàh Power Station of the Mirogana Valley. Family of the Frontier Worlds Episode 15 datacard can be found in the Jaunta’s Hope in The Grazing Fields sector. Players can find Love on Deck 5 datacard in  Mirogana Valley sector in Kadùa village.


3. ISB Reports

Kay in Combat
The information will help Kay decide who to trust in Star Wars Outlaws. Image via Ubisoft

ISB Reports are tablet collectibles containing information made by the Empire on various NPCs that players counter across the galaxy. Players can find these to get details on all the people Kay Vess meets during her journey. Some of these reports are on Bram Shano, Eleera Soi, Gorak Palas, and ND-5.

Bram Shano ISB report can be found in the Crimson Dawn Hideout on Toshara nearby The Grazing Fields sector, Gorak Palas ISB report can be found inside the Imperial Comm Station in the Boulder Forest in Toshara. All the ISB reports are in the Toshara for players to collect.

2. Kessel Sabacc Shift Tokens

Kay spying on people
The tokens are your best friends during the game of Kessel Sabacc. Image via Ubisoft

Kessel Sabacc Shift Tokens are metal tokens in Star Wars Outlaws that give players an upperhand on their opponents during a game of Kessel Sabacc. This work differently than other collectibles and have different effects on the game of Kessel Sabacc.


Some of the Shift Tokens that players can collect are Free Draw, Refund, Extra Refund, Embezzlement, Major Fraud, Markdown, General Tariff, Target Tariff, General Audit, Embargo, Immunity, Exhaustion, and Direct Transaction. These can be found in vaults, during quests, or bought.

1. Nix’s Treasures

Nix and Kay
Nix can find all the treasures for her accessories. Image via Ubisoft

Nix Treasures are single object collectibles in Star Wars Outlaws that players can trade for Nix Accessories at the Tailor in Mirogana. The Tailor at Mirogana will let players know what they can trade for which accessories. These are also the easiest to find of all the collectibles.

During open-world exploration, if there are Nix Treasures nearby, Kay’s companion Nix will go to that treasure and players only need to follow him and collect the Treasure from there. These include Droid Eye, Gun Piece, Lucky Cubes, Shiny Lump, and more and trade them.


What collectibles did you like the most in Star Wars Outlaws? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Rohit Tiwari

Articles Published: 955

Rohit Tiwari is a Gaming Journalist and Editor at FandomWire. With a Master's degree in Mass Communication, Rohit combines academic insight with a passion for the games and the stories they tell. He is an ardent supporter of Real Madrid and when he's not busy playing games, you'll find him reading or idolizing the GOAT Cristiano Ronaldo.