No Way Home Director Jon Watts’s Spider-Man 4 Comment is a Setback Even More Devastating Than Sony’s Multiverse Pitch

Spider-Man: No Way Home director, Jon Watts made a prediction that the next Spider-Man films will not be as successful as the first three.

jon watts, no way home
Image by gage, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.


  • Ever since it was announced that Jon Watts would not be coming back for another Spider-Man film, fans have been curious about his reasoning.
  • During a recent interview, he revealed exactly this and audiences were not happy with what he had to say.
  • The director mentioned that he does not believe that the new films will be able to replicate the success of the first three movies
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Jon Watts’s Spider-Man films were like no other. With the ever-changing public opinion and the approach that the franchise took with the character, there is no denying that fans who did not see Tom Holland as the right fit for the role were forced to have this realization upon the release of Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Jon Watts' trilogy ended on a high with 2021's Spider-Man No Way Home | Credit: Sony Pictures
Jon Watts’ trilogy ended on a high with 2021’s Spider-Man No Way Home | Credit: Sony Pictures

The film was legendary in many ways, setting many new records and being a moment in time that fans will continue to cherish. While Marvel and the three Spider-Men were certainly responsible for the happiness that the film brought forth, there is no denying that Watts is also deserving of a lot of credit.

Considering just how big of a role the director played in making the trilogy as iconic as it has become, it is safe to say that fans were disappointed when it was announced that he would not be coming back. During a recent interview, the director revealed his reasoning and broke the hearts of the fans in the process.


Jon Watts and His Heartbreaking Prediction About Spider-Man

There have been a lot of conversations and speculation about what can be expected from Spider-Man 4. The film will begin a completely new era for the character, and fans will get to witness more and more stories from the comics unfold on the big screen.

While they could not be more excited about what is to come, audiences cannot help but be disappointed that they are going into a new phase for their beloved character without Jon Watts by his side.

Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) | image: Marvel Studios
Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) | image: Marvel Studios

Recently, the director gave an interview with The Hollywood Reporter where he talked about his exit from Marvel Studios and why he is not interested in coming back for another film from Tom Holland’s beloved series.


He started by talking about the impact that the original series had, pointing out how dedicated fans were and how much they adored every second of the first three films. Capturing the essence of the impact that he was able to have on the MCU, Watts is of the belief that things like that don’t happen more than once.

That was such a specific moment in time, and the reaction to that movie was just so unbelievable. It’s never going to be like this, ever again.

Tom Holland's Spider-Man close-up showcasing him grieving Aunt May in Spider-Man: No Way Home
A look at Tom Holland’s Spider-Man grieving Aunt May in Spider-Man: No Way Home | Credit: Sony Entertainment

He stated that considering the impact that the original trilogy had, it would not be possible for the new films to have a similar influence.

Fans Continue To Hope

It is safe to say that Jon Watts’s words were quite harsh. Soon after his thoughts on Spider-Man 4 hit the internet, fans were quick to react to such a drastic prediction made by someone as respected and critically acclaimed as Watts. Some fans were simply upset with what he had to say, believing that he did not have any ideas, and that is what made him leave the series.

Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man in Spider-Man: No Way Home
Andrew Garfield in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) | Credit: Sony Pictures/Marvel Studios

Peter Parker is a very versatile character, and considering just how many characters are intertwined with his story, it is safe to say that there is still a lot of uncharted territory with Tom Holland’s version. With this in mind, it is not surprising that fans do not agree with Watts’s words.

While many were focused on this aspect of his words, some could not help but want him to look past his own predictions and come back for another movie. With just how much life he was able to bring into the franchise, it is safe to say that fans do not want to let him go so easily.

Tom Holland in Spider-Man: No Way Home
Tom Holland in Spider-Man: No Way Home | Credit: Sony Pictures

Wanting Watts to reconsider his decision, fans wondered if his thoughts on the matter could eventually change and if he could come back for another chapter of Parker’s story.


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1455

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.