“I represent Japan, and challenge the world as a Japanese actor”: Before One Piece, Mackenyu Starred in a Failed Adaptation of Another Iconic Anime

Maeda Mackenyu, the actor of Zoro in One Piece, received another live-action offer before it, but the project's performance was disastrous.

mackenyu in one piece


  • Maeda Mackenyu played the protagonist, Seiya, in Knights of the Zodiac, a live-action movie inspired by Saint Seiya.
  • The actor explained that he was extremely happy working overseas.
  • He also opened up about the differences between working in Japan and the US.
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Maeda Mackenyu is known for his role as Roronoa Zoro in the One Piece live-action adaptation of Netflix. Mackenyu became an otaku household name just last year, but the actor debuted in Japan in the early 2010s and received a steady number of roles after his debut.


After deciding to take overseas roles, the actor hit one milestone after another. But his role as the protagonist of a significantly big live-action project did not do him any favors. While it served to launch his career overseas, One Piece could be called the saving grace among his US projects.

Mackenyu Starred in the Live-Action Film of Saint Seiya Before One Piece

Knights of the Zodiac (Credits: Stage 6 Films, Toei Animation)
Knights of the Zodiac (Credits: Stage 6 Films, Toei Animation)

Knights of the Zodiac, a fantasy action movie, debuted in April 2023 in Japan and May 2023 in the United States. It is based on the classic manga Saint Seiya. Mackenyu starred as the protagonist of the movie, Seiya. However, the movie received mostly negative reviews from audiences and critics alike and eventually became a box office bomb. The movie had a budget of $60 million but could only earn $7 million.


In an interview with GQ Japan, Mackenyu shared how it feels to work abroad on different projects. The actor claimed that he felt like he was living his dream.

I had the opportunity to check the finished movie footage. I was taken aback. When a team of first class professionals work together, we can achieve this quality.

The actor seemed genuinely surprised by how the movie had turned out. Since the interview took place before the film’s release, Mackenyu was extremely hopeful about its performance. He exclaimed that he couldn’t be any happier to be the lead in Knights of the Zodiac.

Maeda Mackenyu (Credits: GQ Japan Interview: Mackenyu Arata x HUBLOT)

Mackenyu stated that he wanted to inspire people by his role.


That I represent Japan, and challenge the world as a Japanese actor.

He then explained that he had no intention of propagating messages to revitalize Japan, but he believes that if people can break their shells and come out of them, an incredible world awaits. It seems like the actor considers his role as an inspiration for people to break out of their molds.

Mackenyu Explains the Difference Between Working in the US and Japan

Mackenyu as Zoro in One Piece live action (Credits: Netflix, Toei)
Mackenyu as Zoro in One Piece live-action (Credits: Netflix, Shueisha)

As Mackenyu answered various questions, he admitted that he might have been scared when he accepted the first role offered to him in the US. But the fear was quickly replaced by wonder as working abroad was extremely fun for the actor and he claimed that the work ethics are different to that of Japan.

A huge number of people risk their lives to make a series with a budget that is 100 times bigger than that in Japan, and the degree of their commitment is just incredible.

Mackenyu explained that the working environment was set in order, and the cast and staff also had time to rest properly. So when the filming procedure begins, everyone works wholeheartedly in a good spirit. He then recounted his work experience in Japan, where it wasn’t easy to get rid of his fatigue, no matter how hard he tried to take care of himself.


He quickly followed it up by claiming that he had become really healthy after starting to work overseas. And after his big decision, he was relieved to know that there is a world where he can be an actor and not have to deal with the fatigue that comes with the job in Japan.

The One Piece live-action series is currently available to stream on Netflix.


Written by Aaheli Pradhan

Articles Published: 405

Aaheli is an anime content writer at FandomeWire. With four years of experience under her belt, she is a living, breathing encyclopedia for anime and manga. She believes in living a slow life, surrounded by incomplete art projects and her beloved cat.