“If online games don’t mean money printing machines… they don’t make them”: 1 Highly Anticipated PlayStation Exclusive Multiplayer Being Canceled Months Before Concord Should’ve Been Sony’s Wake-up Call

The failure of Concord might be proof that Sony and PlayStation learned nothing from the cancellation of The Last of Us Online.



  • Concord released on 23rd August and will be shut down on 6th September, 2024. The game barely lasted 2 weeks.
  • The game's failure brings into question if Sony learned anything from The Last of Us Online's cancellation last year.
  • Online game's are incredibly hard to get right, and now we know what happens if you don't.
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If you haven’t heard, PlayStation is shutting down another online title. Firewalk Studios’ Concord was supposed to be a game changer for the hero-shooter genre but instead has become the biggest flop of all time. The game didn’t even last a month before getting taken down.

An in-game screenshot of Concord from Firewalk Studios.
Concord is an example of how not to make a game. | Image Credit: Firewalk Studios

With the game set to go offline on September 6, 2024, we can’t help but wonder where it all went wrong. The situation is especially weird because just in December last year, Sony also shut down The Last of Us Online. Naughty Dog decided to cancel the project considering how demanding a live service game would be.

Will PlayStation Ever See Another Online Game Again?


Concord was supposed to be Sony’s answer to popular hero-shooters like Overwatch and Valorant. But the reality of the situation was something no one could have predicted. The game was in development for 8 years with a big budget behind it. But on release, it failed to attract any kind of player base, with it peaking at just 697 concurrent players on Steam.


There are many reasons why the game failed. But one of the most obvious ones is that the genre is simply too crowded and Concord just didn’t stand out. The hero-shooter trend may have boomed with games like Overwatch but the formula that’s worked for years is too old now for a simple copy and paste.

byu/Turbostrider27 from discussion

The game has now become the main example of failure. It shows that even established studios with substantial backing can fall flat if they fail to innovate or meet player expectations.

The situation with Concord might also suggest that Sony might be missing the mark when it comes to understanding what players truly want from these types of games.


Sony Has to Learn From This Game Even if It Didn’t From The Last of Us Online

A still from The Last of Us II by Naughty Dog
Naughty Dog didn’t want to be stuck with taking care of a live service game. | Image Credit: Naughty Dog

In the blog post that was released, game director Ryan Ellis noted the disappointing launch of Concord. He mentioned that the company would explore options to better reach its audience. Maybe it was a hint to a potential free-to-play launch for the game, though it’s unlikely even that would save it.

A comparison that easily comes up is The Last of Us Online. The cancellation of TLOU Online at the end of 2023 was a shocker. Especially since it had the backing of a well-established IP and the potential to build on the success of the very successful HBO series.

But in hindsight, it was a difficult but necessary decision. Canceling TLOU Online probably saved Naughty Dog from being pigeonholed into a genre that has become notoriously difficult to succeed in. And it’s surprising that Sony seemingly learned nothing from it.


Concord‘s failure is a definitive lesson though. It’s a reminder that not every game can be a “money-printing machine.” Times have changed and players want more than just flashy graphics and familiar mechanics.

What do you think of online games in today’s age? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 298

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.