A $2B MCU Movie Has Already Spoiled How James Spader Returns as Ultron in Upcoming White Vision Series (Theory)

Ultron may still return to the MCU, via this straightforward method.

james spader, white vision


  • James Spader was first seen portraying the role of Ultron in the Age of Ultron, which saw the character meeting his demise.
  • However, before his death, Ultron was seen trying to upload his consciousness onto Vision.
  • Recent developments in the MCU may have charted a straightforward method for Ultron's return.
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Ultron was initially introduced as a villain in 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron. An Artificial Intelligence initially created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner to protect the Earth, Vision was eventually corrupted by the Mind Stone. The result was that Ultron now saw humanity as the Earth’s biggest threat, and proceeded to attempt a genocide against them.

Avengers: Age of Ultrons
Ultron | Age of Ultron | Marvel

Regardless, the character, played by James Spader, was eventually thwarted by the Avengers, and his body was destroyed by Vision. Age of Ultron proved to be the character’s last MCU appearance, although fans have constantly clamored and expected a return.

Now, a theory states that Ultron’s potential return might somehow be related to White Vision, who was seen in WandaVision. It connects with the $2 billion 2018 movie that was Avengers: Infinity War, and charts out an obvious method to ensure Ultron’s flawless return.


The Age of Ultron Plot Point That Sets Up Ultron’s Return

A still from Avengers: Age of Ultron
A still from Avengers: Age of Ultron. | Marvel

In Age of Ultron, the villain is seen attempting to download his consciousness into a synthetic body, which eventually becomes Vision. The attempt is eventually thwarted, and the likes of Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Thor are able to defeat Ultron. However, this is not to say that Ultron did not succeed in at least uploading a part of his consciousness onto Vision, which leaves the scope of a straightforward return.

Hence, despite the physical demise, Ultron’s consciousness might still exist in Vision’s body, even though he failed to take complete control. Regardless, at least a part of Ultron may still exist in Vision, whose latest appearance came in the form of White Vision.

White Vision attempted to kill both The Scarlet Witch and her version of Vision, which may already be down to Ultron controlling the character. Hence, not only might Ultron have already made an impact in the overall MCU, the creators have a rather simple and straightforward way of charting his return.


Of course, this also means that the Avengers might have to intervene once again. After all, the actual Vision is dead, the mind stone is gone, and a potential Ultron return would mean he would be back to his old tricks.

White Vision’s Introduction in WandaVision and Ultron’s Possible Reawakening

Armor Wars FandomWire
Paul Bettany as White Vision. | Marvel

WandaVision introduced White Vision, a reanimated version of the original Vision’s body, devoid of his emotions and memories. S.W.O.R.D., the secretive intelligence agency, repurposed Vision’s remains, imbuing them with a new energy while retaining the original’s data and memories. This could mean that any dormant Ultron code within Vision might have been transferred into White Vision’s consciousness.

If Ultron’s remnants were hidden deep within Vision’s memory banks, it’s conceivable they might resurface within White Vision. Unlike the original Vision, White Vision lacks the Mind Stone and Jarvis, making him more susceptible to any latent programming Ultron might have left behind. This would provide a plausible narrative device for James Spader’s Ultron to re-emerge, possibly manipulating White Vision to further his own ends or even taking over entirely.


All Avengers movies are available to be streamed on Disney+. 

Rishabh Bhatnagar

Written by Rishabh Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 154

Rishabh Bhatnagar is an Entertainment and pop culture journalist/editor with Fandom Wire. He has more than 6 years of experience working for multiple major platforms and is himself an avid consumer of worthwhile content. A natural storyteller, Rishabh has a unique way with words and is always looking to improve, as a storyteller, writer, and a journalist.