Payday 3 Dataminers Uncover a Proposed Safehouse Mechanic

Payday 3
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When it comes to Payday 3, there are a lot of long-term Payday fans who have been eagerly awaiting its release. Now that it has arrived, many are wondering what content will be coming in the future that was also included in Payday 2.


After some data-mining, users have found some files that hint towards either a scrapped ideas or future plans for a safe house mechanic.

How Have These Files Been Found, And What Do They Suggest?

Dataminers Uncover A Proposed Safehouse Mechanic In Payday 3
Payday 3 data miners find proposed safehouse mechanic within games files.

Whenever a new game is released it is a common thing for many players to begin data-mining within the game’s files. This process allows players to find features and hidden mechanics within the title that are either going to be released at a later date.


It can also show what has been worked upon before the release but was ultimately scrapped due to a decision by the developers.

Since this safe house feature has been found, there has been a rather lively debate as to what this means for the future of Payday 3.

Currently, no one knows whether this is future content that will be released by Starbreeze Studios or if it is a concept that was axed during the development process.


At the moment, Payday 3 has only been released for a few days, but it was announced that Starbreeze Studios is planning four DLCs within the next year.

For now, we have no solid information on what these DLCs will contain when they do release, however, some believe the safe house mechanic will be a small update to the game, opposed to a DLC feature. 

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What Do Fans of Payday 3 Think Of This Potential Future Update?

Dataminers Uncover A Proposed Safehouse Mechanic In Payday 3
A Payday 3 safehouse mechanic could arrive sometime within the next few updates.

When it comes to data-mining, there is always the chance the information found within the games files, will point to something that the fanbase won’t be happy to find out.

Unfortunately, this is the case for Payday 3, as there are many who feel this would be a waste of Starbreeze Studio’s resources.

Even though this mechanic hasn’t been confirmed to release within the game, many fans are hoping that it doesn’t appear in the future, as it was a pointless feature within Payday 2.


They would rather it be ignored for this title. But there are some who believe if this feature is done correctly it could be a fantastic feature.

When players think about the safe house mechanic, they tend to think about having something similar to a feature in Phasmaphobia.

In Phasmaphobia, players have a safe house to show off their commendations, begin quests, check their loadouts, and just have fun with their friends, whilst they wait for the game to set up.


But for a lot of gamers, this would just be a waste of time that they wouldn’t want to see or take part in.

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What do you think about this potential future update to have a safe house within Payday 3? Do you feel it is a unnecessary addition to the game, or would you like to see this feature make a return? Let us know what you think in the comments!


Source: Reddit

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Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 524

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.