A Quiet Place: Day One’s Early Reviews Reveal Lupita Nyong’o Will Seize Emily Blunt’s Throne in the $638 Million Franchise For Good

Lupita Nyong'o's electrifying performance in A Quiet Place: Day One is poised to surpass Emily Blunt, marking a new era for the $638 million franchise.

Emily Blunt and A quiet Place Day One


  • Early reviews suggest Lupita Nyong'o may outshine Emily Blunt in A Quiet Place: Day One.
  • The prequel is expected to rejuvenate the horror genre with a substantial box office opening.
  • Nyong'o's role in the prequel could redefine the $638 million A Quiet Place franchise's future.
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Is silence whispering a new name in the film series A Quiet Place? The highly anticipated prequel that promises to not only thrill audiences but also herald a seismic shift is about to hit the screens (and with a bang!) Fans and critics alike are whispering in awe, predicting that actress Nyong’o’s performance will echo through the annals of horror film history.

Joseph Quinn
Joseph Quinn will be seen with Lupita Nyong’o in A Quiet Place: Day One | Paramount Pictures

Can her screamless screams dethrone the franchise queen and usher in a new era of horror royalty?

A Quiet Place: Day One Ready to Scream Back Horror’s Box Office Mojo

Lupita Nyong'o in a still from A Quiet Place: Day One trailer | Paramount Pictures
Lupita Nyong’o in a still from A Quiet Place: Day One trailer | Paramount Pictures

Move over, Miss Blunt! The film series A Quiet Place, starring John Krasinski, may have a new silent scream queen. Per media buzz reports, Lupita Nyong’o is the star of A Quiet Place: Day One, the prequel to the hugely successful 2018 box office hit.


Do you remember the spine-tingling fear of being attacked by aliens that hunted sounds? A Quiet Place achieved an astounding $638 million in revenue, shocking both studios and viewers, per Deadline. Now that it has a new cast and a terrifying backstory, Day One seems ready to end the horror genre’s box office woes in 2024.

Experts estimate a staggering first-weekend windfall of $42 to $51 million. That easily surpasses the likes of The Strangers: Chapter 1 and its pitiful $11.8 million, excluding March’s Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire ($80 million opening). No wonder fans are blowing up social media with their reactions. 



Why the hype, though? A-list talents like Nyong’o and the scary universe from the first movie are reunited, establishing a surefire recipe for success. What’s more, the horror subgenre has been remarkably quiet this year. With names like Scream VI, Evil Dead Rise, The Black Phone, Smile, and M3GAN, 2022 and 2023 were full of jump scares, but 2024 has (thus far) been a horror movie graveyard. However, Emily Blunt’s film might soar to great heights this year. 

Can A Quiet Place: Day One lift the enchantment and restore the genre’s dominance at the box office? Expert audiences say, “Yes!” Guess what? This summer, theaters will be packed with moviegoers eager to witness how the sound of quiet turned into a dreadful way of life.


Lupita Nyong’o Gets a Vocal Cord Polyp Using Super-Positive Voice as Robot

Lupita Nyong’o
Lupita Nyong’o in A Quiet Place: Day One | Paramount Pictures

Even Oscar winners can’t escape the perils of overdoing positivity! In a recent episode on the “Late Night with Seth Myers” podcast, Lupita Nyong’o revealed how her role as an optimistic robot in the upcoming film The Wild Robot backfired in a hilarious (and slightly painful) way.

Nyong’o explained that her character, Roz, goes on a journey to discover humanity (empathy, in our lingo). To embody this sunny disposition, Nyong’o opted for a super-upbeat vocal delivery. And, it was a big mistake! She admitted, “It was, like, just not in my vocal register.” Apparently, forcing an excessively cheerful tone for days on end is a recipe for vocal cord disaster (?) Well, Nyong’o ended up developing a polyp—a noncancerous growth on her vocal cords.

Things got so serious that Nyong’o “lost the ability to speak” and had to go on complete vocal rest for three months. The determined go-getter channeled her inner champion. She went into surgery, declaring triumphantly, “I did it. I cured myself.”  Turns out, she belongs to the lucky 35% who recover naturally.


This isn’t the first time a celeb has battled vocal woes—Miley Cyrus, Celine Dion, and Adele have all faced similar struggles. But Nyong’o proved that even a silenced A-lister can have a good time. 

The film A Quiet Place: Day One is all set to release on June 28, 2024.


Written by Heena Singh

Articles Published: 19