A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead Looks Every Bit the Survival Horror Game We Want Based on the Terrifying Movie Franchise – It’ll Give Silent Hill 2 Remake a Run for It’s Money in 2024

The universe of A Quiet Place just got larger with an upcoming video game spinoff adventure.

A Quiet Place The Road Ahead and Silent Hill 2
Credits: ArtStation/Luis Carrasco


  • Saber Interactive and Paramount Pictures are teaming up for a video game set in the universe of A Quiet Place.
  • Konami may want to reconsider moving the release date of the Silent Hill 2 Remake to avoid the competition.
  • A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead will be released later this year on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
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A Quiet Place was the perfect blend of horror and drama that made members of the audience both cry and gasp in theaters. The films were great and it is time to expand the franchise further to other formats that are far more interactive like gaming through an upcoming project.


Many major gaming studios have developed successful horror games throughout the years but this upcoming spinoff project has the potential to be the best one yet. It is an exciting time to be a fan and this year could be a great showdown between two major horror franchises.

Stormind Games and Saber Interactive Is Working on A Quiet Place Video Game

Saber Interactive will expand the universe of A Quiet Place through the game industry.

The films were well-received and a new spinoff titled A Quiet Place: Day One is set to be released later this year. The film will be set in the early days before the first two films with different leads, which is the perfect segue into telling more stories set within the universe through a different pair of lens.


Horror games are uncommon and many have perfected the formula of creating a balanced game, and with the popularity of the movies to back this project, Stormind Games will give another popular horror game a run for its money later this year. This year will see major game franchises go head-to-head for the best horror video game.

The gameplay is expected to be similar to many other iconic horror games where players must be extra quiet and cautious with each move to avoid making any sounds and being detected by otherworldly threats. Konami may want to rethink the release date for the Silent Hill 2 Remake which is slated to release near the tail end of the year.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead Is An Original Story

Stormind Games’ A Quiet Place will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

The developers of the remake might have deviated too far and made the project more of an action game and the gaming community is not happy about it. While the original version of Silent Hill 2 was held back during its time, the producers are adamant about giving the game a similar feel but with modern adjustments.


Horror fans are being spoiled left, right, and center with massive games coming their way. This upcoming video game will open countless doors of opportunities that will help expand the lore of the films in ways the filmmakers could not.

Many fans were hoping for a third and direct sequel but got something better in return: a prequel movie with two new leads and a video game spinoff with an original story. Perhaps this collaboration with Paramount Pictures and Saber Interactive is only just the beginning of more video game adaptations based on films.

The developers should prioritize nailing the nature, atmosphere, and vibe of the films to deliver a powerful and immersive experience and this game will serve as the perfect alternative for those who are still begging for more content.


Are you excited about a video game set in the universe of A Quiet Place? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 581

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.