“Never before seen in the FPS genre”: This Indie Developer Has Hilariously Made Fun of Activision’s Bold Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Claims by Showing Off His Own Game

The gaming community wishes the latest Call of Duty to have omnimotion made by an indie developer.

call of duty black ops 6


  • One indie game developer showcased his impressive omnimotion movement set and fans wish it is available on Call of Duty.
  • Treyarch Studios and Raven Software are working together for this year's Call of Duty installment.
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is scheduled to be released later this year across various platforms.
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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is scheduled to be released later this year, and the gaming community has high hopes for this latest installment. It took the combined effort of Treyarch Studios and Raven Software to make this game, and fans expect it to feature all the new bells and whistles.


Game development can be complicated, and the years of experience that Activision has accumulated lead the community to believe it is ready to bring forth something revolutionary. Unfortunately, there are more talented people out there who can outshine the work of a major developer.

The Upcoming Call of Duty Needs Omnimotion

It is time for the developers to reshape the gameplay of the Call of Duty franchise.
It is time for the developers to reshape the gameplay of the Call of Duty franchise.

The recent entries of the franchise have been lackluster, to say the least, and the gaming community is optimistic that Call of Duty Black Ops 6 will be a step up after the developers released a brief yet exciting official description. The developers were confident enough to share a few glimpses of the upcoming gameplay, and while it may look great, one indie game developer managed to outshine them with his work while also making fun of the recent Black Ops 6 movement.


The movement set is a massive leap from the traditional first-person shooter games that the players have grown accustomed to. The current generation of gamers has transcended the genre to new heights, and the developers took full advantage of the new technological advancements to deliver a great experience.

Despite all the flaws and shortcomings of the recent reboot of the Modern Warfare trilogy, some things are worth praising, like the advanced physics system. The visuals were also a massive improvement from the earlier titles and the developers are a step closer to the realistic and immersive gaming experience they are after.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Can Finally Redeem the Franchise

There is only so much a game developer can do for a first-person shooter game like Call of Duty.
There is only so much a game developer can do for a first-person shooter game like Call of Duty.

The game industry is entering a new age where major video game developers can elevate projects with the use of modern technology that can be easily mistaken as reality. Omnimotion is cutting edge, and one can only imagine if this movement system is applied to this major franchise and lets the players go on autopilot.


It is natural for the gaming community to expect more from this project, especially since it has been worked on for years with the combined efforts of two studios. Perhaps this entry will put the franchise back on track and redeem it after a long line of underwhelming releases.

Gameplay can be a massive deal for some players, and the beauty of this franchise is that it is already perfect, but the developers are not being constrained and aspire to improve. New additions were added to the game, like sliding, and they were well-received by fans. The best-case scenario would be if Activision could figure out how to apply omnimotion or hire an indie developer.

While the trailers and promos look great and Activision’s own version of Omnimovement is being used, which doesn’t hit as well as this other version, there are still a lot of areas where the developers can improve. Perhaps it is time for Activision to step up and meet the expectations of fans halfway.


Are you excited for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 610

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.