“AKA, not enough players because the game is trash”: Concord Reportedly Set for Huge Addition 1 Day Into Beta

All signs indicate that this title did not receive the expected response.



  • Concord's closed beta did not meet the studio's expectations.
  • Firewalk Studios is considering making a major change before the game's launch.
  • The studio will add a new mode to encourage active player numbers.
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PlayStation has confirmed several times this year that it is not having its best moment and that the big games will arrive in 2025. One of its new titles, Concord, is an upcoming first-person action game similar to Overwatch, featuring hero shooter mechanics. 


This past weekend, players had the opportunity to try out the closed beta of the game, with numerous heroes available for testing. The reception was mixed, and it seems the game might not attract a sufficient number of players. As a result, the studio is considering adding a new mode at the very last minute.

Concord Might Be Facing Issues Regarding Player Count

Concord gameplay.
Concord is considering adding an PvE mode. Image via PlayStation.

After receiving a completely negative reception following a disappointing trailer, Concord finally launched its first closed beta.


Many players say that the game has potential, as the various heroes are quite dynamic and their abilities balance well. However, it appears the numbers did not support this new beta, prompting the studio to consider changes.

It seems that Firewalk Studios, the team behind this title, is considering adding a PvE mode to complement its main PvP mode.

This confirmation quickly went viral on social media platforms like X, and player reactions were swift, suggesting that the title might not have received the expected reception. The community initially reacted negatively to this game due to its lack of originality.


Is This Game in Trouble?

Concord abilities.
Concord could be in danger if it’s not accomplish to attract players. Image via PlayStation.

Many comments recommend that Concord is in trouble, but we still have to see the reception once the open beta launches next weekend.

Once players try out the game and experience its different heroes, their opinions may change. There is a chance that the game could go completely unnoticed and fail to achieve the projected sales by the studio.

This year saw the release of another significant game, Helldivers 2, which unexpectedly achieved success. However, it is now struggling to retain players due to the lack of dynamic content.


It seems likely that this new PlayStation title will add the PvE mode, regardless of the reason. It appears this mode was planned from the beginning, but the studio has not confirmed it until now.

In addition to the open beta next weekend, Concord will officially launch on August 23 for PS5 and PC, following the example of previous successful games by releasing simultaneously on both platforms.

One of the most intriguing aspects of this game is that, despite its similarity to other hero shooter mechanics, the studio confirmed that there would be weekly cinematics to expand the characters’ stories.


What do you think about this new mode aiding the game? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 758

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.