“4th playthrough and still finding new things”: Alan Wake 2 is Still in the Giving Mood as More and More Easter Eggs are Getting Uncovered

There's more to this universe than we'd like to believe.

alan wake 2


  • A player has found an interesting detail about a significant character in the game.
  • This character has previously been a part of different games by Remedy.
  • This is another example of something that adds to the Remedy Connected Universe.
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Alan Wake 2 is one of those games that leaves you with more questions than it may answer. Between complex characters and convoluted themes, the game manages to bewilder players with a sense of mystery that only a studio like Remedy Entertainment can craft.


Even after almost a year of its release, players are finding new things in its playthrough and sharing them with the community. Suffice it to say, the game has much more to tell us than what meets the eye.

A Player Has Managed to Find Something Eerie in the Game

Alan Wake 2 protagonist in front of enemy.
Alan Wake investigating with a flashlight in Alan Wake 2.

Recently, user WTPJ on Twitter shared a picture of what looks like an ID card found in Alan Wake 2. According to them, this ID belongs to Thomas Zane, with a picture of Alan on it.


Thomas Zane is a familiar name in the game, but not just limited to Alan Wake 2. The character has made appearances in other titles, like Alan Wake and Control. Without spoiling much, consider his impact on the story as a symbol of further mystery and complexity.

Other than his obvious appearance in the sequel, it seems that little details like the one uncovered by WTPJ showcase how the character’s significance is of grave importance. We wonder if there are more secrets like this one hidden in Alan Wake 2.

Players are sharing their awe and curiosity in the comments, wondering if Zane has a larger role to play in this universe than the one we are led to believe.


Alan Wake 2’s Psychological Pursuits Go beyond the Protagonists

Alan Wake 2 protagonist using flashlight to see enemy.
Beyond the protagonists’ journeys, there’s a lot to explore in the game. Image Credit: Remedy Entertainment.

On the surface, the Alan Wake games may seem like a deep dive into the psyche of a troubled writer. However, as you progress through the games, there are hidden layers of secrets that surround this universe.

This has been explored at length by Remedy in an attempt to build the Remedy Connected Universe. Through different characters and story pieces, the overarching narrative of these titles eventually give way to further world-building.

Whether you’re someone who’s new to Remedy’s absurd and fascinating universes or a long-time fan, it’s safe to say that there’s something new to find even after multiple playthroughs. This is a trait that the studio has mastered at this point, and it won’t be surprising to see something similar in future projects.


Have you seen something like this in the game before? What are some of the most bizarre revelations you’ve come across in the game? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 571

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.