Alan Wake 2 Summer Game Fest Appearance is all Doom and Gloom as We Head to Night Springs as Details on the Game’s First Expansion is Revealed

More Alan Wake 2 is only a good thing. Bring on Night Falls!

summer game fest, alan wake


  • Summer Game Fest showed off a huge array of games, from new announcements to expansions for existing, including Night Springs.
  • Alan Wake 2's first expansion was gloriously displayed for all to see at the games showcase.
  • Fans are more than ready to dive right in, but we have to wait a little longer yet.
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Remedy has a special place in a lot of gamers’ hearts all over the world, and for good reason. Crafting such odd and mysterious worlds such as Alan Wake, Max Payne, and Control will get you a very specific audience, and with it, a bit of a cult following.


That is exactly what has happened with Alan Wake 2, and although sales may not be as good as expected for a AAA, 10/10 behemoth, that’s not stopping the developer from going full steam ahead with the mind-bending expansions, and thanks to Summer Game Fest, we finally have our first look.

Night Springs Expansion is Here

alan wake 2, summer game fest
Alan Wake 2’s surprise shadow drop of Night Springs expansion pleases… everyone!

Trotting on stage in his unique way, dancing away, Sam Lake decided to take Summer Game Fest by the scruff of the neck. He did exactly this. Months back, before the release of the game, the developer announced a distinct lack of physical editions, and that’s now changed, with physical editions and Collector’s Editions promised.


As well as that, Night Springs was detailed in a new-look trailer and explanation. Unlike what most would have thought, Night Springs is a series of ‘What If?’ scenarios involving three episodes, allowing us to take control of three franchise staple characters.

The meta is strong with this one, as there are sound stages, green screens, and more all giving us a look into the warped mind of Alan, and by extension, the Remedy genius that is Sam Lake.

All of that isn’t enough, as Night Springs is effectively a shadow drop, with the expansion being available less than 24 hours after Summer Game Fest. Incredible.


Alan Wake 2, Control and the Remedy Connected Universe

alan wake 2, summer game fest
Alan Wake 2 is bringing us back to Bright Falls!

Any Remedy fan worth their salt will be able to tell you about the more recent games, and with the announcement that Remedy is looking to make their games the Twin Peaks-esque MCU of connectivity, it’s only going to result in deeper conversations that’ll make you sound like the village nutjob, and we are here for it.

Way before Alan Wake 2 was announced, our titular writer appeared in Control’s expansions, and as we know, that connection only grew throughout the story of Alan in his own sequel. How this will continue is anyone’s guess, but with Control 2 on the way, and the recent cancellation of the planned live-service spin-off, we can only guess and wait for what’s coming.

As the trailer for Night Springs shows though, it’s not going to be an easy wait, but it’ll be one worth waiting for. As Alan Wake 2 was only the second game I’ve given a 10/10 to, I may not be the most objective, but there’s little argument that Alan and his adventures are a shining light for gamers right now, and certainly, the flagship franchise Remedy need as they push onto other endeavors.


What do you make of the first look at Alan Wake 2’s Night Springs expansion? Tell us below in the comments!


Written by Luke Addison

Articles Published: 437

Luke Addison is the Lead Video Game Critic and Gaming Editor. As likely to be caught listening to noughties rock as he is watching the latest blockbuster cinema release, Luke is the quintessential millennial wistfully wishing after a forgotten era of entertainment. Also a diehard Chelsea fan, for his sins.

Twitter: @callmeafilmnerd