Alan Wake Making Next Appearance Sooner than Expected

Are you ready for more Alan Wake?

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In what may come as a surprise to many, Alan Wake is set to make his next appearance a lot sooner than we may have guessed, with an upcoming appearance as a new survivor in Behaviour Interactive’s Dead by Daylight. Whilst this isn’t the first crossover the asymmetrical serial killer game has had, it is definitely one of the most fitting, and arguably one of the most exciting as the game enters its eighth year.


Alan Wake’s Journey is Far From Over

alan wake

No spoilers for the incredible Alan Wake 2, but many fans may be surprised to see the character making a return so soon after his last outing, that’s for sure. Not much is known currently, but it seems that the character will be fully playable as he ‘faces his latest deadly challenge in The Fog.’, and is set to feature the likeness of Ilkka Villi and the vocal talents of Matthew Poretta, the two actors responsible for bringing the enigmatic and dark character to life these last thirteen years.


Sam Lake, Creative Director of Remedy and the driving force behind the character and his story had this to say about the announcement:

“We are thrilled and honored to have Alan Wake enter the Fog of Dead by Daylight. From our early excited conversations on about our collaboration with Behaviour Interactive, it was clear that the lore of both games were surprisingly compatible, drawing from many similar inspirations, a true match in… hell. With Alan Wake 2 now out, the time is right for another nightmare to begin.”

Along with what Sam Lake has said, Mathieu Coté, Head of Partnerships at Behaviour Interactive, said “This is a character we always thought would be right at home in the Dead by Daylight universe.”, and it’s difficult to argue against this. Since his inception in 2013, Alan Wake has been a character steeped in darkness, a moral grey, and an unending amount of horror that just won’t stop. A perfect fit for the Dead by Daylight universe for sure.


As well as the new character being introduced, the update will also include an Alan Wake-inspired ‘Lights Out’ Modifier mode, where ‘players will find themselves in a terrifying atmosphere stripped of several of the key tools they’re used to’. 

Both Alan and the new Lights Out Modifier will be available for all platforms as of January 30th, and we’re not sure what we’re more excited about; continuing Alan’s meta-story in a roundabout way as a survivor, or the new Lights Out mode to terrify and add new dimensions to the established game. What about you?


For those unwilling to wait until the 30th of January, those on Steam can jump in now for the time-limited public test-build right now, but for everyone else, we’ll have an antagonizing wait. We’ll be seeing you in the Fog pretty soon…

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Written by Luke Addison

Articles Published: 430

Luke Addison is the Lead Video Game Critic and Gaming Editor. As likely to be caught listening to noughties rock as he is watching the latest blockbuster cinema release, Luke is the quintessential millennial wistfully wishing after a forgotten era of entertainment. Also a diehard Chelsea fan, for his sins.

Twitter: @callmeafilmnerd