“It’s freaking broken”: Arrowhead are Fumbling Helldivers 2’s Coolest Major Order in Weeks, after RNG Claims and Broken Spawns Turn Players Off

I'm no expert, but this looks fundamentally broken even to me.

helldivers 2


  • Operation 'Enduring Peace' is frustrating players due to overwhelming enemy spawns near the drill.
  • Many players believe the mission is bugged, leading to frequent, unavoidable failures.
  • Developers have acknowledged the issue, but a fix may come too late for this Major Order.
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Helldivers 2 has found itself in another controversy as the latest mission hasn’t sat right with players. After the new Major Order was announced, players rushed into the game to contribute toward the war for managed democracy.


Things aren’t going as planned, however, as players seem to be getting defeated left and right. While your first thought may be that people just aren’t playing well, some soldiers’ testimonies might help change your mind and lead you toward another possibility—the mission is bugged.

Players Have Had Enough of Helldivers 2’s New Mission

It has to be asked, did the Helldivers 2 devs test this before making it live?
It has to be asked, did the Helldivers 2 devs test this before making it live?

It all started when Arrowhead announced the new Major Order in Helldivers 2, Operation ‘Enduring Peace.’ Players are tasked with educating the Meridia Supercolony by deploying weaponized Dark Fluid. Essentially, you’ve got to protect a drill from enemies.


While this sounds simple in theory—fighting off waves of enemies while protecting the drill—the actual mission seems to be much harder. So hard, that people are failing it in massive numbers. And it’s not because of incompetence; according to players, the mission is flat-out bugged.

byu/Funny_Employer_8802 from discussion

Many players have dropped rants on the subreddit, detailing their frustration about the new mission. This thread started by acknowledging people’s opinions on the mission and appreciating its difficulty.


What they don’t appreciate, however, is how broken the mission allegedly is. There’s an overwhelming number of enemies like Bile Titans that constantly spawn very close to the drill, instantly killing it. It’s not just one or two, but many, and at a consistent rate.

The OP refuses to back down from the fight, stating they’ll continue, but hope to see the mission fixed soon.

They acknowledged that people could fight better, but that isn’t the sole cause for the difficulty being this high. They also say that the mission isn’t impossible, but extremely frustrating.


The Problem Isn’t Just in Players’ Heads

The mission is nearly impossible to pass without luck.
The mission is nearly impossible to pass without luck.

A lot of people have been voicing their complaints in the official Discord for Helldivers 2, and the developers have acknowledged them.

A mod on the discord said AH are looking into it
byu/The_ZeroHour inHelldivers

They’re working on a fix, but with Major Orders lasting just around five days, this might be too little too late.


byu/1_ConvoBreaker inHelldivers

What isn’t too little, however, is the number of enemies that spawn in the mission.

One player showcases their bizarre gameplay of being overrun by an insane amount of enemies that would overwhelm anyone.


byu/Funny_Employer_8802 from discussion

You don’t need to go further than OP’s post to understand how difficult the mission is, and how frustrated players are.

People are calling it RNG-based, as the only way you’ll probably pass this mission is if mobs didn’t spawn so close to the drill and one-shot it.


What are your thoughts on the latest Major Order in Helldivers 2? Are players overreacting or is the anger justified? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 344

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.