“as a designer I can tell you this is not a great idea”: Helldivers 2 Developers Can’t and Won’t Listen to Every Idea You Come Up With

Helldivers 2 devs can't always listen to fans suggestions and complaints for the sake of balanced gameplay.

"as a designer I can tell you this is not a great idea": Helldivers 2 Developers Can't and Won't Listen to Every Idea You Come Up With


  • Helldivers 2 developer explained why they can't listen to what fans are suggesting.
  • Nerfs and buffs are the common complaints by many.
  • Arrowhead Game Studios show integrity by doing what they believe is best for the game.
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Helldivers 2 was an unexpected success for the developer Arrowhead Game Studios and Sony Interactive Entertainment. The game’s reach across the PlayStation 5 and PC surpassed expectations to the point where they had to increase the capacity for incoming helldivers and stabilize the game’s queuing system. While the core of the game is fun and letting players feel invincible, it is, however, forsaking a balanced gaming experience.


Helldivers 2 Developer Has A Valid Reason To Nerf Weapons

Helldivers 2 features a wide variety of items and firearms that are insanely powerful, maybe a little too powerful.
Helldivers 2 features a wide variety of items and firearms that are insanely powerful, maybe a little too powerful.

Developers took a stance against player complaints regarding weapon nerfs and suggestions to buff specific items. While these will take the fun out of the game, it is important to remember that there should be a struggle when engaged in combat, being invincible has no challenge let alone fun. The devs at Arrowhead Game Studios don’t want their game to be turned into a playground for those who are afraid of using weaker items.

When designing and building a game that focuses on heavy gunplay and destruction, balancing is something they should not dismiss out of hand. Each weapon has to function on a certain level that would balance the playing field, and it was intended to be weaker than anticipated. Rather than begging for a buff on equipment, Helldivers 2 forces players to buff themselves through others.


The game encourages players to work together as a unit and not go fighting against hostile combatants like a lone wolf. Teamwork is essential for a game like this, and the goal is to feel weak and divided but an unstoppable force when players are united.

Unity Is The First Step To Democracy

Helldivers 2 is the embodiment of teamwork that makes the dream work.
Helldivers 2 is the embodiment of teamwork that makes the dream work.

The strongest man is strongest alone is a hypocritical quote, it encourages isolation and doing everything solo which may sound cool and heroic on paper, but it feels even better to work alongside fellow helldivers and win the war together. The strongest asset is knowing when to help and when to ask for it, sharing the weight with someone else walking down the same journey.

The initiative to nerf powerful weapons to better hone communication skills was an unprecedented move and a good one. It also promotes a toxic-free environment where players can learn to trust one another and share all the good and bad times, making up for the weakened gear by gaining new friends and memories.


Catering to the needs of many will greatly affect the intended vision for the game, Helldivers 2 was everything a fan of this genre could be but it can’t give them everything they want. Doing so would block the creative decisions of the developers, and counter what they wanted to share.

They are the captains of the ship, and while it is always a good attribute to listen, it is also important to stand firm and show resilience and integrity. Games like Helldivers 2 can be fun if players can come together and fight alongside other players for a more satisfying and balanced experience. Are you against nerfing weapons? Share your thoughts below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 750

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.