Baldur’s Gate 3 Producer, Ryan Clark, Is Working On The Next Installment In The Fable Series

Baldur's Gate 3
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Larian Studios Dungeons & Dragons RPG, Baldur’s Gate 3, has easily become one of the most popular games of the year. Players are loving the game’s customizability, the expansive story, and all of the controversial features.


Although Baldur’s Gate 3 is still very new to many, since it released on PC in August and just hit PlayStation 5 this month, some are ready to look toward the future.

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That is exactly the case with one of the Baldur’s Gate 3 producers, Ryan Clark, who recently announced his next project is going to be in the Fable franchise. Clark will be teaming up with Playground Games, an Xbox-owned studio, which has previously worked on other entries in the series.

Clark explained his involvement with the next Fable game on his LinkedIn page, establishing that he will be working as a Senior Producer for the studio.

It appears his involvement with Baldur’s Gate 3 as an Animation Producer did not go unnoticed by Playground Games, and his involvement with such a complex RPG might be the perfect qualification.


Although the next Fable title (often referred to as Fable 4) is still moving full steam ahead, the first trailer for the game did not receive the best reception from fans.

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In fact, when audiences were given a preview of the upcoming game at Xbox Games Showcase on June 11, 2023, a plethora of gamers were disappointed. The preview quickly became one of the most disliked videos of the entire event.


Although many were pleasantly surprised to see actor, Richard Ayoade, starring in the teaser, there was also cause for concern over a lack of gameplay or similarity in tone to previous Fable titles.

Gamers will have to wait a while longer to see if their concerns are validated. However, hiring Ryan Clark, who has history with a successful RPG game like Baldur’s Gate 3, shows the studio is motivated to do things the right way.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Producer Ryan Clark Is Another Skillful Hire By Playground Games

Ryn Clark will bring his Baldur's Gate 3 experience to the next Fable game.
Ryan Clark will bring his Baldur’s Gate 3 experience to the next Fable game.

There is really no other way to talk about the upcoming Fable title without at least mentioning Baldur’s Gate 3. The Larian RPG has surpassed expectations and fans of Fable want to see similar levels of whimsy, fantasy, and immersion, when they dive into the next game.


Playground Games may not have the best track record with its upcoming Fable game now, but it is clear the studio is putting together all the pieces for a great title.

Anne Megill, a former Remedy Entertainment dev, was placed on the team as Narrative Lead, and Andrew Walsh, who worked as a Senior Writer for Horizon Forbidden West, joined up as well.

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An incredible team of developers is being assembled and the most recent addition to the roster is Baldur’s Gate 3 producer, Ryan Clark. Each of these creators will bring their own skills to the game to make it as unique and enjoyable as possible.

Despite the fact that the Fable franchise has been around for over 20 years, this upcoming installment will be a reboot of the franchise. It is certainly a blank slate for new ideas and should be a way to intrigue players who have never tried one of these games in the past.

Gamers may not have seen any gameplay to support their feelings about the title, but with the development team that has been put together at Playground Games, it appears to be in good hands.


What do you think of the upcoming Fable reboot? Are you excited to know that Baldur’s Gate 3 producer, Ryan Clark, has been added to the team? Were you one of the fans who was disappointed by the teaser trailer? Make sure to leave a comment and let us know your thoughts!

Source: Ryan Clark LinkedIn

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Written by Ezekiel Hall

Articles Published: 171

Ezekiel is an avid gamer, film enthusiast, and has a love for technology. When he has free time you are most likely to find him playing something on PlayStation or binge watching a new show. He is a fan of all things DC, Marvel, and Star Wars.