“It’s unfortunate that Infinity Ward refuses…”: Black Ops 6 Could Continue Where Cold War Left Off in Connecting the Call of Duty Franchises

Could we finally see the creation of a new storyline?

black ops 6-cold war


  • The appearance of a certain character Cold War hints at potential storyline interconnections between the Modern Warfare and Black Ops series.
  • Integrating the two series' storylines poses a significant challenge due to their differing timelines, which could lead to a convoluted narrative.
  • Black Ops 6 promises to be groundbreaking with the introduction of the Omnimovement system and the return of Theatre mode.
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For a long period, Call of Duty games developed by Treyarch and Infinity Ward ran on a separate storyline with minimal connection between the two. However, by giving a significant character a cameo appearance in Black Ops Cold War, Treyarch has opened a box full of possibilities, which we could see further developing in Black Ops 6.


With numerous games under the banner of the franchise, it’s understandable why Activision hasn’t tried to intermix the stories and timelines from different series. However, it’s fair to say that doing so will generate a lot of attention and throw the fanbase into a frenzy.

Slight spoilers for Black Ops: Cold War ahead.


Black Ops 6 Could Spawn a Whole New Story

The player threw a grenade at enemy, killing him.
Player shooting and moving in Black Ops 6.

The Modern Warfare and Black Ops series have mostly remained independent stories that haven’t been mixed heavily so far. We have seen easter eggs or namedrops that suggest a legitimate connection between the two, but nothing substantial has ever come out.

The cameo of Imran Zakhaev in Cold War does change things a bit. The chairman of the Ultranationalists, who made a brief appearance in Modern Warfare 3 and served as the main antagonist in Modern Warfare, cameoed as his younger self in Cold War.

You think Imran Zakhaev will show up in the game after his cameo in Cold War? I’d love to see him as an operator.
byu/Burnnoticelover inblackops6

Of course, this has led many fans to believe we could finally see an intermingling of the two series. Furthermore, having him appear as an operator in the next game will really be the cherry on top.

byu/Burnnoticelover from discussion

It’s worth pointing out that integrating the two series won’t be an easy task. This is mainly due to the timeline difference, where there is a significant gap, so integrating can lead to a convoluted storyline.

However, instead of fully mixing the two series, developers can focus on a few characters that can appear in both series.

Black Ops 6 Is Going to Be Unlike Any Game Before

 Imran Zakhaev had a minor role in Black Ops Cold War.
Imran Zakhaev had a minor role in Black Ops: Cold War. Image Credit: Activision

Whether or not we get to see an intermixing of storylines in the upcoming game, one thing is for sure: Black Ops 6 is going to be groundbreaking, for better or for worse. New features are being introduced to the game, and some old fan favorites are also returning.


The highlight of the game is going to be the new Omnimovement system, which is going to redefine how players move in the game. Theatre mode is also returning, allowing players to create an in-game clip at a whim.

One thing that developers do need to improve in comparison to past games is the ranked experience. Currently, rage quitting and AFKing are very common, and despite several changes to the ban system, the overall state of ranked queues remains unchanged.

What do you think about the cameo of Zakhaev? Will we see the storyline of different series streamline moving forward? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Kuldeep Thapa

Articles Published: 56

Kuldeep is an electrical engineer and a writer for FandomWire with over 5 years of experience under the belt. He is a keen learner who consistently tries to improve and is always up for the grind. Besides delving into the Pokemon world, he enjoys playing League of Legends and many other competitive games.