Both Michael Keaton, Tim Burton Advocated for a Classic Mistake Highlighted in Beetlejuice 2 Trailer That Has Tanked Multiple Marvel Movies

Tim Burton and Beetlejuice 2


  • The trailer for Beetlejuice 2 was just released and it has gotten nothing but positive interactions from fans.
  • However, some cannot help but notice one aspect to be out of place.
  • Something that was done intentionally by Michael Keaton and Tim Burton.
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The trailer for Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice 2 has recently been released, and fans cannot help but be extremely excited for the renewal of the classic. The film brings back all of the cast from the 1988 classic, and the charm of the original film lives on in its sequel. That said, criticism for any new project that takes from the past is inevitable, and Burton’s latest reveal has not been spared.


A still from the Beetlejuice 2 trailer [Credits: Warner Bros.]
A still from the Beetlejuice 2 trailer [Credits: Warner Bros.]
The trailer shows the first look at the entire film, and many fans cannot help but be skeptical about one aspect of the movie that is visibly low quality. What makes the entire situation even more odd is that Burton and Michael Keaton revealed this decision to be intentional.

Fans Are Skeptical After Beetlejuice 2’s Trailer

The official trailer for Beetlejuice 2 shows how the project has certainly maintained the feeling of the original film. Many characters look the same, and the essence of the first film lives on in its sequel. However, not every creative decision seems to have worked out well. One of the very first things that many fans noticed when the film released its trailer was that the visual effects were questionable.


A still from the Beetlejuice 2 trailer [Credits: Warner Bros.]
A still from the Beetlejuice 2 trailer [Credits: Warner Bros.]
Several scenes highlight these aspects; however, they can be most seen in a shot of a plane going down. Everything about the editing seems so visibly dated that many fans cannot look past it. Some pointed out how this has become a very common phenomenon in Hollywood.

A still from the Beetlejuice 2 trailer [Credits: Warner Bros.]
A still from the Beetlejuice 2 trailer [Credits: Warner Bros.]
Marvel films that have recently been released have been heavily criticized for the poor CGI, and many believe it completely disconnects the audience from the film, bringing them back into the real world. The visual effects in the trailer for the Michael Keaton film are quite similar, looking almost worse than the original film, even though technology has tremendously advanced.



What makes the entire conversation all the more interesting is that the CGI of the film has been left like this on purpose.

Tim Burton and Michael Keaton Made Beetlejuice 2’s CGI Bad on Purpose

While many would assume that the CGI of Beetlejuice 2 looks poor because of mishaps in post-production, the truth is quite far from that. A few months before the trailer was released, Michael Keaton gave an interview with People, in which he revealed his and Tim Burton’s intentions for the sequel.

A still from the Beetlejuice 2 trailer [Credits: Warner Bros.]
A still from the Beetlejuice 2 trailer [Credits: Warner Bros.]

The one thing that he and I decided on early, early, early on from the beginning, if we ever did it again, I was totally not interested in doing something where there was too much technology,” he says. “It had to feel handmade.

It would seem that neither of them wanted the movie to have too much ”technology”. Instead, they wanted it to feel more personal and handmade. It is safe to assume that when the lead star and the director have a vision for a film, it is hard to change their minds.

Tim Burton
A still from the Beetlejuice 2 trailer [Credits: Warner Bros.]
Perhaps, the trailer ended up looking the way it has because of these intentions. However the result of their vision has certainly not been a positive one thus far, although the movie is still a long way away from release, which is set to occur on 5 September, 2024.


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1335

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.