Call of Duty: Black Ops 6: 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden May Be the Start as Another Real-Life Dictator Teased to be Included

This could be even bigger than "No Russian".

call of duty black ops 6


  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 was confirmed recently by Activision and players are excited.
  • The game will receive a complete reveal on June 9, right after the Xbox Showcase.
  • Apart from Bin Laden, as per new leaks, the game might feature another controversial figure.
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Call of Duty is one of the most popular FPS video game series ever. It has been around since 2003 and has grown in terms of popularity. The upcoming title in the video game series is Black Ops 6, and similar to previous titles in the series, the makers have already begun building hype.


Various marketing ploys, such as in-game events, easter-eggs, and virtual puzzles, uncover information about the upcoming title. After leaks showed that the game might be heading in the infamous 9/11 incident’s direction, another leak shows that the game could also feature another controversial personality.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 May Feature Saddam Hussein in Addition to 9/11 Conspirator, Osama Bin Laden

If Call of Duty Black Ops 6, features Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, it might go down as one of the most controversial games featuring geopolitical themes.
If Call of Duty Black Ops 6 features Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, it might be one of the most controversial games featuring geopolitical themes.

Black Ops 6’s marketing campaign began recently with the game’s makers sending creators packages that would reveal information about the game. In one of the game’s posters, an individual on X/Twitter also found an apparent reference to the year 2001, which was when the 9/11 attack happened.


Now, intensifying the hype among long-term Call of Duty fans, the next hint will be even more dark if it turns out to be true. After the poster, an eagle-eyed fan dissected the game’s teaser trailer and found co-ordinates to Saddam Hussein’s palace, former Iraqi President, also known by some as one of the many 20th century Dictators.

As most readers may be aware, there is a geopolitical story behind the USA, usually the area where protagonists in games from the franchise hail from, and Iraq. Moreover, the game’s reveal trailer thumbnail also featured a man who resembled Hussein. The same individual upped the brightness on the thumbnail, and it was found to be Hussein.

Apart from the game’s development studio, which Treyarch has confirmed, nothing has been confirmed about the upcoming game’s plot. These leaks might be significant for the game and the franchise if they prove legitimate.


Black Ops 6 Might Give Gamers What They Want: A Call of Duty Game With a Significant Story

It is high time that gamers get a good, lengthy campaign.
It is high time that gamers get a good, lengthy campaign.

The complaints that fans have had with the story mode in recent games part of Activision’s FPS series have been around for quite some time. Moreover, the studio has done almost nothing to redress this lack.

Especially with Modern Warfare 3, the series reached a new low, evident from people expressing frustration by accidentally reviewing-bombing the wrong title. Also, the consensus among long-term fans was that the video game series had fallen off. But, the hints which Activision is deliberately leaving might make for a good comeback for the series on the single-player front.

It has been quite some time since any game in the series featured a pathbreaking story that received acclaim and was of notable length. If the story is executed with flair and is more than just 4 to 5 hours, it may turn things around for the FPS series.


What do you think of the leaks and the fact that the upcoming game has had a more extended development lifecycle than any other entry? We would love to know your thoughts in the comments below!


Written by Sparsh Jaimini

Articles Published: 442

Sparsh Jaimini Sharma is a video games enthusiast and a Games Writer. A true white-blooded Madridsta. He is often seen grinding away at EAFC 24's Ultimate team and learning to code when he is not writing. A Batman fan and Arkham Games connoisseur. He is the quintessential DC aficionado.