“They’re making mistakes already”: This Leaked Thumbnail For the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Gulf War Reveal Trailer Gives Us Our First Look at Adler

The marketing fumbles of Call of Duty Black Ops 6 has begun.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Russel Addler


  • The official page just revealed the first look at Adler in Call of Duty Black Ops 6.
  • The fans are already making fun of the developers for fumbling with the marketing.
  • Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is scheduled to be released later this year.
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The Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Gulf War reveal trailer has taken the gaming community by storm, and the official page showed more than what was originally planned. It is unknown if it was a mistake, but the fans caught their first glimpse of a fan-favorite character.


The thumbnail on the official page gave away the first official look at Russell Adler, a recurring character from the Black Ops series and the players are excited to see where the story will take him and his companions for what is expected to be the biggest entry yet.

The Official Site Fumbled the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Gulf War Reveal Trailer Thumbnail

The marketing for Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is in full swing.
The marketing for Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is in full swing.

Activision is committed to putting out a new game in the franchise once a year and the gaming community has high hopes for this one in particular. The game is expected to be released later this year, and leaks are slowly seeping out of the cracks while some of them are officially shared, like the potential theme from one promo, but this latest fumble gave away more than what was planned.


Since the game is a direct sequel to Cold War, fans expected most of the characters to return, but the official site reaffirmed their appearances by revealing Adler in the reveal trailer thumbnail. The thumbnail was changed to what was shared across different platforms; however, it did stir up some hype, which is always good.

Fortunately, the site didn’t give anything away about the rumored return of Raul Menendez, the classic villain of the older Black Ops games. It is only a matter of time before new information will be leaked and shared leading up to the release of the game, where all of these rumors can be put to rest.


Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Gulf War Is the Latest Victim of the Developers’ Incompetence

The gaming community is still thrilled to see the fan-favorite character in the Call of Duty reveal thumbnail.
The gaming community is still thrilled to see the fan-favorite character in the Call of Duty reveal thumbnail.

Microsoft is doing everything it can to give the fans a proper Call of Duty experience and reflected on the success of previous titles to use like the familiar promo art to attract the older players. It may be viewed as playing safe but it could be the right move to get the ball rolling for this new phase of the franchise.

For the last four years, a dedicated team has diligently worked on developing the game. The collaboration of two teams has led to the creation of something truly spectacular, and players are thrilled to unveil the results of our hard work.

The fans had relatively low expectations from this franchise, especially with the single-player content but there is a chance for Raven Software and Treyarch to blow their socks off with the campaign of this entry. This sub-series excelled with the story mode and could help redeem the developers for past shortcomings.


The untimely reveal of Adler just kicked the hornets next and the community is more excited than ever for this year’s entry.

What are your thoughts about the latest fumble on the official Call of Duty site? Let us know in the comments section below!



Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 603

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.