“I’m clippping it”: Three Years Ago, A Call of Duty Player Did Something Many Thought Impossible in Search and Destroy – Skill, Cheating or Hacks? You Decide

30 kills, a nuke and no respawns.

"I'm clippping it": Potential World First as Call of Duty Player Does Something Many Thought Impossible in Search and Destroy - Skill, Cheating or Hacks? You Decide


  • In the middle of a match of Search and Destroy, a player joined in and quickly aced the round, continuing a solid kill streak for the team.
  • Despite the game mode not having a respawn option, this player simply relied on their peak skill and did the impossible.
  • By the end of the match, a sweet nuke and 30 kills ensured that this player was something out of the extraordinary.
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Sometimes, Call of Duty gives players the playground to test their ultimate skills with fast gunplay and objective-based gameplay. Keeping the games’ rules in mind, players often try to make the best of what they’re given. And then, every once in a while, comes a player who will break through the rules without really breaking the game.


In one such instance, the Call of Duty player joined an ongoing game of Search and Destroy, started causing an absolute ruckus by stacking up kills, and ended the game with a nuke. That’s right, someone has managed to call in a nuke in a game mode that doesn’t even support respawning.

This Player Treated Search and Destroy As if it Were a Deathmatch

Call of Duty nuke
This player woke up and chose violence. And an entire nuke to drop.

Player Futives showcased what seems to be one of the most unusual plays in the history of Call of Duty. This was a game of Search and Destroy; players aren’t allowed to respawn once they die in the middle of a round, and the map has constricting spaces that test your wit and reflexes in the context of fast movements.


Regardless of all the rules and traditions of finding oneself in a proper strategy, this player chose to do something out of the blue. Round after round, the score eventually came to an impressive 30 kills. The gameplay is so rich and fluid that even if you take a breather and blink your eyes for a second, you’ll probably miss out on a slick move made by the player.

Both teams’ response to this playstyle was nothing short of shock and surprise, as they witnessed a phenomenon usually seen in game modes that are more widely spaced out and have players across the map trying to work towards an objective.

Call of Duty’s Search and Destroy Clearly Has More Potential

Search and Destroy CoD
The game mode can be very stressful, unless you’re this player.

While this was just one video that showed us how distinct and intuitive the gameplay of someone who treats the game as a playground is, Search and Destroy is a game mode that is usually more restrictive in nature.


Call of Duty’s many modes often ensure that players get to test out their skills in different ways, but this mode doesn’t allow players to respawn once they die. This can lead to a lot more ‘careful‘ moments of gameplay.

At the heart of it all, having cautious plays can often limit a player’s true potential. And there’s no way in Nuketown (or any other map) that someone is calling in a nuke strike to the map, wiping off the last bits of humanity during that round. However, if there’s one lesson that this clip leaves us with, it’s that going against the rules at times can be a fun thing to do.

What has your experience been with Call of Duty game modes like Search and Destroy? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 454

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.