“We talk across the studios”: Call of Duty: Warzone Shakeup! Black Ops 6 Release Set to Fix Long-Broken Mechanic Ignored for Years 

Black Ops 6 to reshape the broken weapon dynamics in Warzone.

Call of Duty Warzone and Black Ops 6


  • Black Ops 6 integrates Warzone with a unified codebase for consistent gameplay mechanics across all modes.
  • Treyarch aims to fix persistent weapon performance discrepancies, ensuring fair gameplay experiences for all players.
  • October 25 will unveil not just a new game but a redefined Call of Duty experience with fresh narratives and gameplay innovations.
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Call of Duty is poised for a major shakeup with the release of Black Ops 6 on October 25. Developed by Treyarch, it promises to address long-standing issues in the series, particularly within the Warzone mode.


With a four-year development cycle, Black Ops 6 is set to bring back the core elements that define the series while introducing innovative features and improvements. This effort seeks to enhance weapon balancing and improve player experience, bringing a much-needed refresh to the series.

The Problem: Inconsistent Weapon Mechanics in Warzone

Fans will finally get some consistency in weapon damage.
Fans will finally get some consistency in weapon damage. Image credit: Activision

For quite some time now, players have observed perplexing inconsistencies in weapon performance within Warzone. While death recaps provide some insight into what weapons, equipment, and killstreaks players use, they often fail to accurately portray the actual movement and aiming.


This has led to a frustrating experience for many, where the remaining rounds in a magazine don’t seem to match up with the damage output observed in-game.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 would not be just shooting and would have heists and spy work too.

Numerous players have reported instances where opponents seem to break through armor and down them with an implausible number of bullets. For example, an MX9 with just 8 bullets left might down a player, while half a magazine from an M4 barely scratches an opponent’s armor.


Similarly, the inconsistency is starkly noticeable with marksman rifles, where headshots sometimes result in a one-shot kill, but other times they don’t, despite hitting the same area.

The development team at Treyarch has acknowledged these issues and made it a priority to address them in the next Black Ops. Matt Scronce, associate design director, and Yale Miller, senior director of production, emphasized their commitment to resolving these discrepancies by ensuring consistent weapon performance across all modes.

This involves extensive testing and fine-tuning to eliminate random variations in damage output.


This intense reversal can be traced back to Fortnite‘s OG mode.

Revisiting the Glorious Era of the Franchise

It remains to be seen how Black Ops 6 fares.
It remains to be seen how the upcoming game fares. Image credit: Activision

One significant improvement in Black Ops 6 is the unification of the codebase and tech stack used for both the main game and Warzone.

This change allows for more synchronized updates and consistent gameplay mechanics. Scronce explained that by moving to a shared engine, the team can better monitor and adjust weapon behavior, aiming to provide a fair and balanced experience for all players.


The upcoming release marks a significant milestone in the franchise’s history. The game not only promises a thrilling new narrative and innovative features but also demonstrates Treyarch’s commitment to resolving long-standing issues. 

What are your thoughts on the upcoming changes? Let us know them in the comments below.


Written by Arkaneel Khan

Articles Published: 164

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