Carrie Fisher Became a Writer After Delivering 1 Star Wars Line She Hated the Most in A New Hope

Carrie Fisher's inspiration to be a writer came from a dialogue from A New Hope that she despised!

carrie fisher, a new hope


  • Carrie Fisher's portrayal of Princess Leia Organa has made her synonymous with the character.
  • A New Hope featured a dialogue that was detested by Carrie Fisher because it sounded too unnatural.
  • Carrie Fisher shared the reason why she decided to pursue a career in writing.
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During her acting career, Carrie Fisher has delivered some of the most memorable performances that have forever etched her name in the minds of the viewers. Though she has worked in numerous films in her astounding film career, her most remarkable performance was that of Princess Leia Organa in George Lucas’ Star Wars franchise.

Carrie Fisher became synonymous to Princess Leia Organa
Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa in Episode IV. Credits: Lucasfilm Ltd.

The character was everything that the audience wanted in a leading franchise, and she always jumped into action as she was a valuable member of the Rebel Alliance. Despite being a fan-favorite character, Fisher despised working in A New Hope, especially because there was one dialogue that did not sit well with the sequence. The line felt so bizarre to her that she decided to become a writer after delivering the out-of-place dialogue.

Carrie Fisher’s Desperate Attempt To Fit in A Broken Dialogue in A New Hope

George Lucas’ Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope was the beginning of a new era in Hollywood. The film became the ultimate foundation for the $10.3 billion franchise via The Numbers. The 1977 film has been a fan favorite because it showcased Luke Skywalker as a hero that everyone can relate to.

Carrie Fisher hated one unnatural sounding dialogue in A New Hope
A still from Episode IV. Credits: Lucasfilm Ltd.

Since the film was the first in the franchise, some mistakes made it to the theatrical release of the film. However, there are some scenes that could not be fixed. One such instance in Episode IV was how Princess Leia had to deliver a message through a holographic recording.

During a panel discussion at the Tribeca Film Festival via Uproxx, Carrie Fisher shared how she loathed one line from A New Hope that she decided to speak it in a British accent.

Carrie Fisher tried to fix the unnatural sounding dialogue in A New Hope
Princess Leia Organa and R2-D2. Credits: Lucasfilm Ltd.

The line was none other than,


I have placed information vital to the survival of the Rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit.

The despise for this line ran so deep that it inspired her to write her own stories.Moreover, the Drop Dead Fred actress was so frustrated with unnatural dialogue that she felt it would sound better if said in a British accent. Regardless, the dialogue still felt clunky to the ears because the line just did not fit in there.

Carrie Fisher On Why She Decided to Pursue a Secondary Career

After the Lover Boy actress completed her role in the original trilogy in 1983, she decided to pursue a writing career that included publishing her memoirs like Postcards from the EdgeWishful Drinking and Shockolic. The passion for writing ran deep in her.

Carrie Fisher shares the reason she decided on pursuing writing as a career
Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, and Han Solo in A New Hope. Credits: Lucasfilm Ltd

During a talk with the Los Angeles Times via the American Writers Museum, she mentioned that writing aided her in developing her identity and also helped her to impress her father. She said,


I always wrote. I wrote from when I was twelve. That was therapeutic for me in those days. I wrote things to get them out of feeling them, and onto paper. So writing in a way saved me, kept me company. I did the traditional thing with falling in love with words, reading books, and underlining lines I liked and words I didn’t know.

The actress not only became a renowned name in the field of acting but also a well-established name in the writer’s field because of her brutally honest and self-deprecating wry humor.

Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope can be streamed on Disney+.


Written by Tushar Auddy

Articles Published: 1001

Tushar Auddy, Content Writer. He has been in the entertainment industry for 3 years and is always on the lookout for a captivating story. He is a student of Linguistics and is currently pursuing his Master's degree in the same field. He has a passion for literature that runs deep and loves nothing more than getting lost in a novel for hours on end. When he isn't reading, you'll find him capturing the beauty of language.