5 Characters You’re Wasting Your Time With in The First Descendant

The First Descendant really did some of these characters dirty.

the first descendant


  • The First Descendant offers a lot of variety in terms of characters.
  • There's a clear divide between some of the better characters and the worse ones.
  • There are no 'unusable' Descendants, and your favorite will depend on what kind of playstyle you enjoy.
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The First Descendant is a fairly new looter shooter with a ton of cool characters to pick from. Each character has a certain role, set of skills, and elements, and you’d ideally want to pick what’s best for the scenario you’re in.


While everyone has their favorites and dislikes, there are a few that you’d want to avoid investing too much time into, as they aren’t that great compared to the alternatives.

5 The First Descendant Characters You Shouldn’t Bother With

The antithesis to our top 5 list, here are the five The First Descendant characters that we’ve deemed ‘not good enough‘ for most cases. Depending on personal preference, people may or may not agree with the content.


5. Sharen

A screenshot of Sharen from The First Descendant's official YouTube channel.
An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.
An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.
An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.
An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.

Despite essentially being a ninja assassin, Sharen is probably on the clunkier side of things when it comes to movement and skills. She’s not terrible by any means, but some more speed and traversal abilities would make her a lot more bearable.

Her stun grenade doesn’t fit with her image (and it takes too long to throw and detonate), her cloaking animation is slow, and more. If her kit was reworked to be more fluid and fast, no doubt she’d be whisked away from this list in a second. Unfortunately, as it stands, she’s one of The First Descendant‘s lesser-liked characters.

4. Kyle

A screenshot of Kyle from The First Descendant's official YouTube channel.
Kyle could’ve had it all but misses in every aspect. | Credit: Nexon

Despite being a Descendant with a lot of potential, Kyle falls flat on nearly every aspect of his kit. He’s a cool Iron Man-type guy with a bulky suit and some awesome magnetic abilities, but while they look cool, they’re not that fun to use in battle.


His ultimate is probably one of everyone’s biggest gripes about him, which bugs out at certain HP levels. If tanks were worth it in The First Descendant, he’d be one of the best characters.

Unfortunately, stacking on defense is a waste of resources in most situations, and for that reason, he’s the fourth on this list.

3. Blair

A screenshot of Blair from The First Descendant's official YouTube channel.
Your PC might melt because of the visuals before Blair melts anything. | Credit: Nexon

Blair isn’t the worst Fire Attribute character on this list, but he certainly isn’t one of the better ones overall.


A common theme we’re seeing in this list is a badly constructed character kit, and it’s no different with Blair.

His cooldowns are way too long compared to some of the better characters, and his flamethrower even limits your mobility, which is one of the most important assets you could have in this fast-paced shooter.

He’s not bad if you invest a lot of effort into building him, but is it worth it? Probably not.


2. Yujin

A screenshot of Yujin from The First Descendant's official YouTube channel.
Yujin is the Mercy of The First Descendant, and we will not elaborate. | Credit: Nexon

Depending on who you ask, Yujin is either one of the best or one of the worst characters in The First Descendant. He’s a healer, and he heals. That’s pretty much it. If you’re playing alone, you can imagine how helpful that would be in missions.

Even if you’re playing with other people, his support capabilities are quite limited because of how slow part of his kit is. One of his abilities will lock you in place, so you better have a team that’s willing to keep you safe.

He’s also a resource-heavy character. He’ll probably have a lot more utility for you if you pick him up late-game, but early-game, there’s no point in building him.


1. Esiemo

A screenshot of Esiemo from The First Descendant's official YouTube channel.
If only Esiemo’s actual performance lived up to how his abilities are described. | Credit: Nexon

While the addition of many of the characters on this list can be disputed, most people will probably agree that Esiemo deserves a spot somewhere here.

His kit is arguably one of the worst in The First Descendant. If you thought it looked cool, just know that looks can be deceiving. He’s extremely clunky to play, as all of his abilities are slow, janky, and have questionable cooldowns.

If you’ve somehow managed to master the art of his movement, then you deserve some sort of award. Judging from public opinion, a lot of people are struggling to contribute to their team’s efforts with him.


Lists are subjective, so we’d love to hear your thoughts on this one. Do you agree with it? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 420

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.