Christian Bale Mistakenly Wasted Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine’s Time While Filming Christopher Nolan’s Batman Movie

Christian Bale messed up in a scene that involved him sharing the screen space with senior actors, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman, leaving them annoyed

christian bale mistakenly wasted morgan freeman and michael caine’s time while filming christopher nolan’s batman movie


  • Christian Bale was heavily dedicated to his role as Batman for the Dark Knight trilogy, with the extensive training to get into the Batman shape
  • The actor was obviously tired from the extreme workout and accidently fell asleep in a scene where he was supposed to wake up and talk to Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman
  • The two actors were amused and Caine had to wake him up, ruining the shot, with the senior actors getting annoyed at Bale
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2005’s Batman Begins was a great triumph for the franchise that stumbled with 1997’s Batman & Robin, a return to the campy style of the series. Christian Bale was perfectly cast as Bruce Wayne. Bale has time and time again proved himself to be extremely committed to his roles, even dropping all his body weight for the sake of his role in The Machinist.

Batman Begins (2005)
Batman Begins (2005)

While Bale is insanely dedicated to his roles, he is also only human. Having to lose about 40 pounds in muscle mass and going through intense training to play the character of Batman, it is only sane to expect that the actor might be extremely tired. This led to a hilarious situation, that might have irritated Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine (Lucious Fox and Alfred Pennyworth respectively) a little.

Also Read: Christian Bale’s The Dark Knight 4 Could Answer A Major Question Lingering Since Batman Begins


The Batman Begins actor fell asleep during a scene in the film

Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman
Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman

Speaking to Uproxx, Bale talked about his time on the Batman set. He remembered all the shenanigans, also the time when he fell asleep during a scene. The actor recalled:

“In the scene, I was meant to be waking up, so I laid down and just fell asleep. And I didn’t hear ‘action.’ So, Michael and Morgan were talking, and I was supposed to join in. I woke up with Michael Caine poking me in the ribs and going, ‘Look at that! He’s bloody fallen asleep, hasn’t he? He’s bloody fallen asleep!'”

While this must have been quite hilarious at the time, one can assume that the senior actors in the room were altogether amused and irritated at the same time. It is often forgotten what a grueling task acting can be. Given how much mental and emotional (and more often than not, physical) effort goes into the profession, it must get exhausting, leading to little goof-ups in big productions like Batman Begins. 

Also Read: “I don’t think that’s ever going to happen”: Batman Begins Writer Busts Fan Expectations for Christian Bale’s Dark Knight 4 With Christopher Nolan


Batman Begins came at the end of a long effort to reboot Batman

Man Bat from Arkham Asylum
Man-Bat from Arkham Asylum

Batman: Darknight was the work of writing duo Lee Shapiro and Stephen Wise, who had pitched their script to then WB Executive Tom Lassaly. The pitch was well-liked, and a script was further developed over the course of 3 months.

The story would follow George Clooney’s version of the character, now retired, rescuing a college-going Dick Grayson from Scarecrow. The film was also to include Man-Bat. However, this entire story was scrapped as WB favored a complete reboot. This resulted in 2005’s Batman Begins and established the greatest Batman trilogy we have received to date.

Also Read: Christopher Nolan’s ‘Batman Begins’ Had a Major Flaw- Liam Neeson’s Ra’s al Ghul’s Plan to Destroy Gotham Was Anything But Perfect


Written by Anuraag Chatterjee

Articles Published: 785

Anuraag Chatterjee, Web Content Writer
With a passion for writing fiction and non fiction content, Anuraag is a Media Science graduate with 2 year's experience with Marketing and Content, with 3 published poetry anthologies. Anuraag holds a Bacherlor's degree in Arts with a focus on Communication and Media Studies.