Controversial Crystal Dynamics Decision to Correct Tomb Raider’s ‘Colonial Past’ Can Get So Much Backlash It’ll End the Franchise Forever

Crystal Dynamics is aiming to redefine Lara Croft's character in future Tomb Raider games.

crystal dynamics’ shadow of the tomb raider


  • Crystal Dynamics announces a major shift in the Tomb Raider franchise.
  • The decision sparks debate among fans regarding the integrity of the game and the preservation of its core elements.
  • As the gaming industry evolves, this move reflects a broader trend of reassessing past content for cultural sensitivity.
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Few franchises in gaming are as popular as Tomb Raider and its even more iconic protagonist, Lara Croft. The game is known for its swift movement and Lara Croft’s hunger to find unique items. This hunger usually leads the protagonist to many abandoned tombs where she discovers a plethora of secrets. 


But the recent news coming from Crystal Dynamics is about to change the whole game. The studio is now trying to transition Lara Croft’s character from being a raider of tombs to a seeker of truth. This was discovered when players checked the official Tomb Raider Shadows of Truth RPG rulebook. 

Potential Consequences for the Tomb Raider Franchise

Crystal Dynamics is looking to follow the recent industry changes
Lara Croft’s main goal in the game is about to change. | Crystal Dynamic’s Tomb Raider

Crystal Dynamics is looking to follow the recent industry changes. Within the gaming industry, there is a new reassessment going on which makes studios revisit past content to try and find any insensitive or inappropriate elements, in accordance to modern standards. 


At a glance, it seems like a good cause and more studios should try it, but the execution is often lacking and wrong things are being changed. One of these scenarios is going to happen with Tomb Raider, where it was decided that Lara Croft should no longer be able to explore ancient ruins. Instead, it will become a game where she will seek out the truth. 

The main argument fans are raising is about the integrity of the gaming history.
Fans want to preserve the Tomb Raider’s history | Crystal Dynamics’ Shadow of the Tomb Raider

In the official Tomb Raider Shadows of Truth RPG rulebook, the real meaning behind raiding is explained. This basically means Lara Croft was not respecting the culture and people she came in contact with. This made fans very angry as they didn’t play the game thinking about stealing, but the main goal was to see how she would get the artifact and leave the tomb at the correct time. 

The main argument fans are raising is about the integrity of the game and the preservation of gaming history. Many argue it is essential to learn from the past, but altering or censoring the core element of the game is not ideal.


A Way Forward: Navigating the Challenges Ahead

Crystal Dynamics stood their ground and issued a statement defending their decision
Crystal Dynamics is not changing its decision. | Shadow of the Tomb Raider

In response to the huge backlash from fans, Crystal Dynamics stood its ground and issued a statement defending its decision. They said they are committed to following the rules for cultural sensitivity. 

However, many fans still believe that this move is a misguided attempt and that the studio is just following the industry norm, rather than genuinely trying to make a positive change.

The future of Tomb Raider without a doubt is hanging in the balance. Even though Crystal Dynamics has good intentions, the consequences of their decisions are very big and cannot be ignored. For now, fans are waiting for Crystal Dynamics to respond, but only time will tell if the Tomb Raider Franchise will follow the classic games or not.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 146

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.