“Do you see the level of petty he has as Homelander?”: DC Fans Don’t Want Antony Starr as Joker, Demand He Play the Pettiest DC Villain Instead

Homelander and Reverse Flash have a lot in common.

antony starr as joker


  • Antony Starr has been getting a lot of attention for his performance in season four of The Boys.
  • So much so, that many have been looking for other comic book characters that he could eventually play.
  • While many would immediately go with The Joker, there may be another character who is better suited for him.
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Even though he has been playing the role for years now, Antony Starr is finally getting the attention he deserves for his role in The Boys as Homelander. Having used all of his skills to shape one of the more hated villains of all time, there is no denying that he knows what he is doing when it comes to playing villains, a skill very few have. Recognizing his talents, many fans have been thinking of other antagonists he could play across the various franchises out there.

The Boys
Antony Starr as Homelander I Amazon Prime Video

Although many would jump to the conclusion of the Joker, who has the same sadistic tastes that Homelander does, there may be someone better suited for Starr. A character that is known for his pettiness, much like the Supe himself, and one that is looking for a desperate revival.

Antony Starrโ€”The Joker or Reverse Flash?

Antony Starr’s Homelander is a distinctive character in every aspect of his personality. However, some of his traits can often be seen in other characters across the world of comics. This similarity prompted Blurayangel on X to ask the world which character would be better suited for him in the DC Universe; The Joker or Reverse Flash.

The Boys
The Boys’ Homelander I Amazon Studios

It is safe to say that both of the characters would be perfect for Starr’s capabilities as an actor. Moments across The Boys show just how well he can play off his maniacal side, performing massacres at a time and laughing through it all. This trait is reminiscent of the Joker, who is known for being unhinged in every definition of the word.

With a face full of white paint, a bloody smile, and a bad dye job, he could tilt the DC franchise off its axis as a character. However, fans cannot help but wonder how all he could do as the speedster.

Reverse Flash and His Outbursts

With the question of Reverse Flash or the Joker out in the open, many fans put forth the idea of Antony Starr playing the former, even though he could do excellently as the Clown Prince of Gotham. The Reverse Flash, also known as Eobard Thawne, is known for having some very ambitious goals. He is desperate for his end goals and will do anything needed to get what he wants. At the same time, he is also a very petty man.

Reverse Flash I DC Comics
Reverse Flash I DC Comics

While he is known for committing atrocities out of envy, he has also done some very questionable things, purely out of rejection and his ego. His behavior is reminiscent of that of a child, ruining lives for the sake of getting the last word. He once killed all of the boyfriends of a woman he liked, then went on to put her in a vegetative state for rejecting him.



He actually pretended to be a monster under Barry Allen’s bed so that his arch-nemesis, who was a child back then, would not be able to sleep through the night. He even went as far as to move Barry’s hand during a baseball game so that he would not catch the ball.

Antony Starr's performance in the latest episode of The Boys is one of his best | Prime Video
Antony Starr in The Boys | Prime Video

While there is no denying that Homelander is extremely intelligent and powerful, he is also known for having his petty moments. Knowing this, many fans supported the possibility of him playing Reverse Flash at some point in his career.


The Boysย is available for streaming on Prime Video.ย 


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1251

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.