“Dude, the Memes! Imagine Calling in Gen Brasch for a 45-Second Rampage in Helldivers 2—It Would Break the Internet!”

That, Helldivers, is Chuck Norris for your universe.

helldivers 2


  • Helldivers 2 players wants a legendary figure to make an appearance during the gameplay.
  • General Brasch is the most celebrated war hero in the game's universe as the narrative goes.
  • Players can use him as a one time stratagem that's likely to rain havoc on the enemies.
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Stratagems are the most faithful companions for players in Helldivers 2. Of course, that comes after their fellow Helldivers, who are on the mission to wipe off the Terminid/Automaton races from planets. The in-game difficulty was turned up a notch with the addition of giant gunships and colossal machines, but that has only added more thrill to the game.


To that end, Helldivers deserves an upgrade too; if not that, some assistance should be acceptable. It’s not what, but who, that Helldivers would love to see in the game. That who being General Brasch, the grizzled war hero who currently guides the recruits who are to take part in the fight for democracy.

That Might be The Best Helldivers 2 Stratagem Idea Put Forth by Fans

Stratagems needs a cooldown to be reused again
Stratagems needs a cooldown to be reused again.

If developers are listening, they need to bring this Helldivers’ wish to fruition. It’ll be like the Helldivers version of Chuck Norris or Master Chief, whose presence will not only get those camaraderie juices flowing but also bring chaos to the enemy faction.


That’ll also add more strength and courage to face the long rumored returning enemy faction in Helldivers 2, the Illuminate. To that end, some fans took this conversation to social network Reddit. The user named FlammableKarateSkool had this in mind to bring General Brasch on the battlefield as an NPC.

That was not it. He won’t just be the subject to help others out, but something that could hold potential to break the internet through memes. Since its inception, the game has already become the subject to various memes given the fun gamers are having while liberating planets. General Brasch will only add to the fun.

His Presence Will Certainly Send The Motivation Curve Off The Charts

General Brasch currently trains the new recruits in Helldivers 2.
General Brasch currently trains the new recruits in Helldivers 2.

Adding General Brasch as a Helldivers 2 stratagam is without a doubt great idea. But one fan commented that certainly holds a point.


One user, Sausageblister finds the idea cool but he also appeared in a jumble as to how such an idea could be implemented in the game.

To that end, one user had just the perfect answer that everyone would agree with.

If Arrowhead Game Studios hears this feedback and brings the war hero to Helldivers 2, it should adhere to the fan’s suggestion that they keep him for just one-time use. Otherwise, the fun of the game is likely to be lost.


While most of them have infinite use while on a planet, some major stratagems like Orbital Laser and Eagle runs are limited. While the commentary by the beloved war hero is just music to Helldivers ears, his presence on the battlefield would be the Opera in itself.

What do you think about bringing General Brasch on the battlefield in Helldivers 2? We would like to know your thoughts in the comments section below.


Written by Anurag Batham

Articles Published: 268

Anurag Batham is a video games correspondent at FandomWire. With over two years of experience in writing for different industries, his past works show his passion for the metaverse and his awareness of the environment. He's always playing with ideas to turn them into captivating stories.

A gaming enthusiast who can prove it when you have a round of Call of Duty (COD) with him. And it may take more than a coffee with him if you are to talk to him about Marvel. One can find a reader in him who's always keen to perfect what he already knows and to learn everything new.