Eric Review – Benedict Cumberbatch Delivers in an Undercooked Psychological Thriller

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The crime genre has seen massive success for Netflix, whether in the form of a docuseries, movie, or TV show. A six-episode limited series created by Emmy Award-winning writer Abi Morgan features a psychological thriller starring Benedict Cumberbatch titled EricEric often struggles with shifting the narrative, but when it focuses on the main story, it delivers a strong thriller. 

Gaby Hoffmann and Benedict Cumberbatch in Eric.

Eric Plot

Set in 1980s New York, Eric follows the search for nine-year-old Edgar, who disappears on his way to school. The disappearance has taken a toll on his father, Vincent, who starts to alienate his family, coworkers, and the detectives trying to find his son. Vincent clings to his son’s drawings of a puppet, ERIC, convinced that if he can get the character on TV, Edgar will come home. 

The Critique 

The premise nor the execution doesn’t reinvent the wheel when it comes to the crime thriller genre. You see the prototypical beats throughout the early stages of the show that set the tone for what is ahead for Vincent as he tries to deal with his missing son. That said, the addition to Edgar’s “beast-like character provides a unique perspective in a way, but in other ways, it is like watching someone battle with the voices in their head.

Eric and Benedict Cumberbatch in Eric.

With six episodes, the creators did the wise job of making it an easy binge and not overstaying its welcome. However, the biggest problem with the script is trying to fit too much into the show. When the series focuses on Vincent and his missing son, the execution is perfect, but it loses its way when it veers to the other storylines. I also would’ve loved to see more of Edgar in the show. 

The most rewarding part of this series was watching Benedict Cumberbatch deliver a strong and convincing performance as Vincent. Cumberbatch is widely known as an incredible actor when given a role with meat on the bone, and this is no different. Vincent is a troubled man struggling with his marriage and trying to deliver at work. When his son goes missing, his world starts to crumble. Cumberbatch not only gives such a precise performance, but this is his best work since Power of the Dog

Outside of Cumberbatch, the other performance that stood out was McKinley Belcher III as Detective Michael Ledroit. Although the writers failed the character with unfocused writing, Belcher does a great job of doing his best in the role. Again, the misuse of the show’s ancillary pieces is what holds it back from being great. 

Eric and Benedict Cumberbatch in Eric.

One of the most critical layers of a crime thriller is it has to deliver a compelling score to accompany the show. Composter Keefus Ciancia has been building his resume with his great work on series like Great Expectations, Killing Eve, and Made For Love. Within Eric, he raises the stakes, delivering a tense, gripping score and keeping you on the edge of your seat for what’s next. 


Eric has moments where it delivers on the promise of being a psychological thriller, but it is also a misguided show that never stays on the promising track. I give the series a slight recommendation based on Benedict Cumberbatch’s performance and the writing of his character, Vincent. Outside of that, temper your expectations because Eric falls into the trap of being much like other series in its genre. 

Eric debuts all six episodes on Netflix on May 30.  



6 out of 10

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Written by Ricky Valero

Articles Published: 12

Ricky Valero is based in Nashvile, TN. He has a huge passion for film and tv. He is a proud member of the Critics Choice Association . While not watching movies, he has a huge love for crappy reality dating shows.