“Having some issues…”: Fallout London is Out, and With It a Slew of Issues, But Is it a Surprise?

Given the size of the team, people should cut the developers of Fallout London a bit of slack!

fallout london


  • Fallout London is finally available to the community, and many are stoked to experience this new mod.
  • However, some fans have run into a variety of issues that they have shared on Twitter.
  • Team FOLON is a small group, and they require time and patience to ensure these issues can be fixed.
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After a long wait, Fallout London was launched yesterday for fans of the series, and it promised to bring a ton of new content to the title. Set in London, the game is a massive undertaking by Team FOLON that is a work of passion from the developers.


Considering it’s come from a small team that has worked over the past three years to use various Fallout assets to create the experience, there will be some hiccups along the way. People who have played the mod have shared the issues they have faced, but this was not entirely unexpected.

Fans Share Early Experiences and Issues When Playing Fallout: London


The modding community has breathed new life into many games. Skyrim, launched in 2011, can be modded to such a degree that it looks like a current-generation title! The newest mod for Fallout 4 has the potential to do the same if the team can iron out some issues.


The complaints for Fallout London started much before the mod was released, with people in the community speaking out about the delays and lack of clear communication from the team. More understanding fans pointed out that this is a big undertaking being handled by a small team, so there are going to be inevitable issues. Not to mention, it’s being done for free!

Now that fans have access to the mod, the complaints have not stopped, as people point out some issues they have encountered.

One tweet stated they witnessed some issues encountered by a streamer playing the mod.


One streamer states they want to play the game but find the process of downgrading the game from their Steam version a bit too tedious.

Some people have also found the loading times to be an issue, as well as the layout of some assets in the game.

It seems the game crashing is also an issue for some, but there appears to be an easy enough fix for it as well.


It’s important to keep in mind that the mod is a free addition to the game created by a small team, so there are going to be issues, especially at launch.

Fallout London Gets Competition for Attention with the Fan-Made Fallout 2 Remake

A location in Fallout London with a character standing atop a wooden platform overlooking a massive cluttered space.
Fallout London‘s issues should be resolved over time. | Credits: Team FOLON

Team FOLON can rest easy and work at their own pace on the issues, as there is a new addition coming to the franchise that should excite fans. Fallout 2 is getting a remake, but with a different perspective! Players can now enjoy the classic title in first-person mode, replicating the same experience of many beloved games in the franchise.

The remake has made some strong progress, and this might be bad news for Bethesda. The studio has been under fire from the community for several decisions, including the underwhelming release of Starfield and the recent shutting down of three softwork studios.


If two mods can offer more content and a better experience than an entire studio that has worked on a project for years, it doesn’t set a good image for the company. With modders offering higher value than some developers, Bethesda has more than just rival companies to watch out for.

Have you tried out Fallout London yet? Let us know your experience with the mod in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 373

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.