“Still takes me aback. One feature Xbox smashed outta the park”: There Isn’t Much at This Stage, But PlayStation Really Needs to Copy Xbox With 1 Feature

Xbox wins big this time and PlayStation should take notes.



  • Xbox's one feature is so good that it actually deserves all the praise it is getting at the moment.
  • The feature that has everyone satisfied is none other than the quick resume feature.
  • There are a lot of casual gamers in the world who use this feature often.
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Xbox does some things better than everyone else and there is no beating them in their home ground when it comes to this one feature that has earned immense respect points for it.


Xbox’s one feature is so good that it actually deserves all the praise it is getting at the moment, and PlayStation should keep its notebook ready to make notes on how to implement the same in the coming years.

Xbox Will Always Have A Head Start

Xbox logo. Image credit: Microsoft
Xbox’s quick resume feature puts the console on a pedestal. Image Credit: Microsoft

Xbox has knocked it out of the park with this feature, which is getting all the attention at the moment. The feature that has everyone satisfied is none other than the quick resume feature, which enables users to pick up the game where they started from even after uninstalling the game or coming back to it months later.


It has outdone itself with this feature, as this has not been seen before, and it boosts the morale of a lot of players to revisit games they were not able to finish in their first run by allowing them to start where they left off.

A lot of people were of a similar opinion, as a negative review of the feature is highly unlikely to surface and is also quite unnecessary as Xbox is aiming to build a wholesome gaming community.

One user was all praise for the feature as they took to Twitter to express their gratitude and advice to PlayStation. They said:


It is a great feeling to start the game where you left off, as it becomes a chore to start the game again and then progress to the point you had reached before, and by that time, your willingness to play the game further usually always dies.

By giving us this gem of a feature, Xbox has surely received a lot of praise and appreciation. PlayStation will have it all if they too start implementing quick resume in their own unique way.


Xbox Game Pass Has Changed Gaming

Xbox Game Pass. Image Credit: Microsoft
Xbox has announced price changes for Game Pass. Image credit: Microsoft

There are a lot of casual gamers in the world who do not passionately follow a single title and get involved in multiple runs of that game.

Some people just want to keep trying new games and exploring new worlds without the pressure of succeeding and winning every boss fight.

Xbox Game Pass provides that opportunity for players by giving them a library full of amazing games to choose from and also offers the quick resume feature on top of that, which ensures that even after deleting the game to make space for other games, your progress will not get lost.


The Quick Resume feature is certainly one of the newer Xbox consoles’ best new additions. And Sony may benefit from incorporating it into its consoles.

How do you feel about it? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Anupam Lamba

Articles Published: 110

Anupam Lamba is an avid gamer and film lover. After completing his bachelors in Mass Communication he started working as a writer in the Indian film industry before his love for gaming made him venture into the lanes of Fandomwire and he started working as a gaming writer here.