“Every subsequent appearance has been off”: Final Fantasy 10’s Tidus is Coming Under Fire as Square Enix Can’t Recapture the Same Magic

Will Tidus ever stop looking a little different every time we see him?

final fantasy 10’s tidus, square enix


  • It seems like Square Enix just can't get the looks for Tidus right.
  • The latest renderings of the beloved character have been met with widespread disapproval.
  • Many fans are dismayed and upset over the visual changes that Tidus has gone through. Especially the loss of his original tan.
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Final Fantasy X‘s Tidus has been a topic of debate among fans for a long time. This is mostly due to his inconsistent portrayals across various remakes and spin-offs. Many fans have expressed disappointment with Square Enix’s inability to replicate his original look, particularly his tan and Okinawan influence. 


The character’s changing appearance has led to criticism, with fans claiming that each subsequent version fails to capture the original’s essence. And a recent official render of the character that was released has sparked discussions once again.

FFX’s Tidus Has a Very Inconsistent Look Across Different Games

Tidus in Final Fantasy 10
Tidus in Final Fantasy X | Image Credit: Square Enix

The inconsistencies in Tidus’s appearance have been a topic of discussion for years, with many pointing out the stark differences between his in-game model and the CGI cutscenes. 


In the original PlayStation 2 release, the character’s look varied significantly between gameplay and cinematics, leading to a sense of disconnection.

This issue seems to persist in newer releases, with fans lamenting the lack of continuity and the apparent disregard for his original design. And it might be true for newer remakes as well since there have been reports of more remakes.

The inconsistency in his appearance isn’t a new issue. Since the original release of the game, fans have noted discrepancies between his in-game model and cinematic depictions.


This has sparked debates about whether these changes were intentional attempts to appeal to different audiences or simply a result of poor communication between design teams.

Some fans believe that the changes are not merely aesthetic but also cultural. Tidus’s original design included elements that resonated with an Okinawan background, which have been diluted in newer versions. 

This perceived whitewashing has sparked debates about cultural representation and authenticity in character design, with many fans calling for a return to the roots that made the characters relatable and unique.


How Can Square Enix Fix This Weird Problem?

A still from FFX
This has been a recurring problem for the character. | Image Credit: Square Enix

Square Enix’s historical issues with character models extend beyond this one character. Discussions on the r/finalfantasy subreddit talked about other characters from Final Fantasy X who also experienced changes between different versions. Like Rikku and Wakka.

byu/StatisticianSuper129 from discussion

The continuity problems are seen as a result of poor communication between teams and a lack of cohesive vision. Despite the backlash, some fans still find aspects to appreciate in newer versions, such as his appearance in Dissidia NT. 

However, the overwhelming consensus is that no subsequent appearance has managed to recapture the original magic of the character from FFX. This sentiment underscores a broader challenge for Square Enix in balancing modern updates with the nostalgia and expectations of long-time fans.


The community’s response highlights a broader issue within the gaming industry: the challenge of balancing modern updates with the preservation of original artistic intent.

Fans remain hopeful for a future where the character’s original essence can be faithfully restored.

What do you think of Tidus’ changing looks across Final Fantasy games? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 124

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.