“We’re not really answering story questions right now …”: Franchise Favourite Villain Return for Gears of War: E-Day Could Be Happening after An All-Knowing Teasing Comment from Creative Director Matt Searcy

The potential return of General Raam unveils a new chapter in GOW history.

gears of war e-day


  • Gears of War: E-Day sparks excitement with its prequel premise.
  • General Raam's potential return fuels speculation among Gears fans.
  • The Coalition hints at Raam's role in the upcoming storyline.
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The highly anticipated release of Gears of War: E-Day is generating a lot of excitement among Gears fans.


This upcoming prequel is set to transport us all the way back to the intense initial moments of the Locust emergence, marking a pivotal and challenging period in humankind’s battle for survival.

Although specific details about the storyline are being kept closely guarded, a mysterious remark from The Coalition, the developer of Gears of War, has ignited speculation about the potential return of a beloved character from the franchise: General Raam.


The Legacy of General RAAM in Gears of War

Fans were surprised to learn the upcoming Gears of War: E-Day is a prequel.
Fans were surprised to learn the upcoming Gears of War: E-Day is a prequel.

General RAAM is a well-known character for Gears of War fans. This formidable Locust leader, with his imposing stature and Kryll bat companions, quickly became a notable video game villain when he first appeared in 2008’s Gears of War.

Gears of War: E-Day | Official Announce Trailer (In-Engine) - Xbox Games Showcase 2024

His relentless pursuit of humanity’s annihilation and his brutal demise at the hands of Marcus Fenix solidified his status as a truly memorable antagonist.


So, the burning question is: Could RAAM be returning in Gears of War: E-Day?

In a recent interview, Creative Director Matt Searcy and Brand Director Nicole Fawcette answered a plethora of questions regarding the upcoming Gears title. Though they kept much in-depth detail under wraps, Searcy and Fawcette did give fans a few key details regarding E-Day.

Unraveling Gears of War: E-Day’s Potential Narrative

General Raam has become one of the most iconic villains in GOW.
General Raam has become one of the most iconic villains in GOW.

When recounting the most recent Gears title and the challenges brought upon by the pandemic, Searcy reflected:


“By the time we were done with all that, we were well into the pandemic. A lot of folks were reflecting. We knew we were going to Unreal 5, we knew this big tech update was coming. We wanted to build a bunch of stuff from the ground up again, and reflect on the franchise and what it meant to us at The Coalition. That’s why we had elements of the Mad World trailer in here, those kinds of vibes are what we love about the franchise.”

Nicole Fawcette added:

“E-Day is an origin story. It’s the origin story of the bond that defines the franchise, which is Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago’s friendship. When you first meet them, they’re not the same Marcus and Dom you know. In Gears 1, they’ve already spent 14 years fighting the Locust.”

When pressed about Raam’s potential presence in E-Day, Searcy and Fawcette exchanged a knowing smirk, refusing to confirm or deny the possibility. This subtle exchange, however, speaks volumes.

The Gears of War prequel setting places Raam perfectly. As a General during the early stages of the Locust War, he would certainly play a pivotal role in the invasion, seamlessly fitting into the story.


Some fans felt a gap after Raam’s death in the first Gears of War. E-Day could offer a chance to delve deeper into his character, exploring his motivations and the experiences that molded him into the ruthless leader he was. Seeing a younger, possibly even more merciless Raam cause chaos on Emergence Day would be a frightening prospect for players.

This new perspective on the well-known villain could breathe new life into the character while staying true to his established brutality. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Chad Glapion

Articles Published: 23

Chad Glapion is an avid gamer since the mid-'90s, with a passion for narrative-focused and grand strategy games. He's also a pet dog and reptile enthusiast and a writer of speculative fiction. Personal favorite games include the original Mass Effect trilogy & the Crusader Kings series.