“I like the idea because I want the franchise…”: Not Gears of War: E-Day, But a Huge Genre Shift Could Reinvigorate the Franchise

A mainline entry similar with a character of our own could be a nice change of pace for the series.

gears of war


  • Now that another entry in the Gears of War series is finally on its way, fans wonder what sort of games they can expect in the future.
  • According to a few within the community, the franchise should try to experiment with different genres and mechanics, especially the RPG genre.
  • Not to mention, many have also expressed their desire to experience more stories, just like Fenix and his crew, that will lead the way to showing new perspectives on the Locust War during its various stages.
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Now that the Gears of War series is back from what some may call a much-needed beauty rest, the community is back at it again with endless discussions on its future and where it should head next once E-Day rolls out.


On the one hand, you’ve got people who believe a return to roots and trying to emulate what made the original trilogy so memorable would be the right way to go. But, on the more radical end, many believe that trying out new things has always been a thing with this franchise, and perhaps a change in genre is what it needs to rejuvenate itself.

Gears of War Community Wants the Series to Experiment More Within the RPG Genre

A still from Gears of War: E-Day trailer, featuring Dom and Marcus overlooking a ruined Sera.
Gears of War‘s next entry, E-Day, will be wildly different from anything seen in the series before – Image Credit: The Coalition YT.

From going open world to introducing a whole host of story elements never seen in a mainline entry before, it’s clear that The Coalition is hard at work at bringing new life into this old franchise. However, it’s also clear that fans expect a lot from the developers in the future and have some precise demands for what they’d like to see them try.


For instance, one such growing demand has been to introduce more RPG-esque elements within Gears of War. It’s a simple idea in theory but brilliant for the series’ future, whose unique selling points have been highly replicated and iterated on by other games.

is this a good idea or naw/
byu/Psycho_Fliktion inGearsOfWar

Of course, as the Reddit post states here, it is a massive task that is different from going the way of Gears Tactics, which would involve ditching the third-person shooter genre altogether. It is simply a method of expanding the horizons and possibilities of the series.

byu/Psycho_Fliktion from discussion

Admittedly, it will be challenging to have a story with the same emotional weight as the trilogy with RPG-esque mechanics, given how the core tenet of those mechanics is to give as much freedom as possible in tackling the narrative. Perhaps once E-Day comes out, people will be in a better position to judge whether The Coalition is up for the task.


The Coalition Can Tell an Infinite Number of Stories Set Within the Gears of War Series

A still from Gears 5, featuring Kait Diaz and Del Walker.
People wonder whether The Coalition plans to make a sequel to Gears 5 or are starting fresh with E-Day – Image Credit: The Coalition.

While fans patiently await all that’s in store for them with E-Day, there is still a discussion to be had on where the franchise will go from here on.

While many believe that we’ll continue to see more stories set within the 14-year gap of the Locust War and what Fenix and Dom were up to during this period, surprisingly, some also wish to bid the crew farewell and move on to newer things.

If written well, The Coalition can undoubtedly make us fall in love with some new characters and provide new perspectives on the overarching narrative. However, it remains to be seen whether they are still up for the task—once Gears of War: E-Day arrives, we may have our answer.


With that said, what are your thoughts on this? How would you like to see the franchise expand its possibilities? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 101

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.