“This war wasn’t needed”: Gears of War Should Have Been Very Different According to 1 Fan

If this theory came to pass, we would not have a Gears of War franchise today!

gears of war


  • Gears of War: E-Day is going to show players the incident that set into motion the future events of the franchise.
  • One fan has theorized that the emergence of the Locust horde could have been done peacefully and diplomatically.
  • Others have contested this theory, stating that the dynamics between humans and Locusts were skewed much before their emergence.
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When the first Gears of War was released, people got their first look at how humanity would have handled the invasion of a Locust horde. Most locations are left in ruin, and players can only imagine what a bustling area it must have been before E-Day.


But what if the emergence of the species could have been handled in a more diplomatic and less confrontational manner? This theory comes from a fan of the game, but others may not align with their reasoning.

Gears of War Fan Theorizes How the War Could Have Been Avoided


Gears of War: E-Day is going to give players their first look at the day the world turned upside down and went to ruin. The invasion brought with it innumerable casualties, but one fan of the series believes everything could have played out much differently.

I don’t understand why the locust war was needed
byu/Cherry_Crystals inGearsOfWar

Redditor Cherry_Crystals claims that while the war made sense to them as children, they now have a polar opposite perspective on the events that set into motion the Gears of War. We will no doubt get a grittier and more detailed understanding of all the events that transpired with E-Day, but this fan believes all the misery could have been avoided through diplomacy.

They state that Adam Fenix and Queen Myrrah could have negotiated the emergence of the Locust horde in such a way that it led to minimal to no loss of life. The swarm could have also found another location on Sera where they could have continued their existence without conflict.

byu/Cherry_Crystals from discussion

However, one commenter states why Myrrah chose the path she did. Other comments echo a similar sentiment, stating that humans have a hard time getting along with each other as they are.


Considering the COG’s involvement in the creation of the swarm and even Myrrah herself, the chances of them choosing the peaceful option were slim to none. On the side of the invaders, both Myrrah and the swarm were far too radicalized against humans to want to take a peaceful approach.

Gears of War E-Day to Showcase Fan-Favorite Characters in a New Light

Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago looking at the skyline of Sera as the Locust swarm invades the colony in Gears of War: E-Day.
Gears of War: E-Day will show us how Sera fell to the swarm. | Image Credits: The Coalition

Given that both Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago had never faced a threat similar to the swarm before their emergence, players are going to see them far more vulnerable and out of their depth than any game in the series so far. The Coalition has also stated it is going to take a more horror-focused approach to portraying the swarm in the upcoming game.

Ever since the announcement, fans have been stating what they would like to see included in the latest game in the series. Many of these requests are aimed at the game’s online mode, with some fans wishing to see the beloved Day One map, which was skipped in Gears 5.


Expectations are already high for the next game in the franchise, and the reveal trailer was shown during the Xbox Showcase. Seeing Marcus struggle against a single Drone has set the tone for the rest of the experience, and we hope The Coalition can deliver on all the hype.

Do you believe there could have been a peaceful resolution? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 371

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.