“Gimme the bayonet and let me struggle”: The Coalition CANNOT Retcon 1 Piece of Gears of War Lore Without Breaking Everything We Know

Fans worry that Gears of War: E-Day might stray from the series' established lore and may retcon some things.

Gears of War


  • There are concerns about potential retcons, especially regarding iconic weapons.
  • Some fans fear the open-world format and other design choices may return in the game.
  • Fans emphasize the importance of maintaining beloved character dynamics and the established lore.
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Gears of War fans are a very passionate fanbase, and when it comes to the lore and setting of their favorite series, they don’t mess around. 


Recently, a Reddit thread brought to light some deep concerns fans have about the future direction of the series, especially Gears of War: E-Day. They bring up some valid criticism in terms of lore and narrative consistency. 

The Essence of the Gears of War Franchise

Marcus and Dom return in Gears of War: E-Day.
Marcus and Dom return in Gears of War: E-Day. Image via Xbox.

In the Reddit thread, a user expressed excitement about the return to the old, gritty setting of Gears of War. However, they also voiced concerns about the game potentially adopting an open-world format, similar to Gears 5, as this is something the hardcore fans weren’t a fan of in the previous installments.


byu/tyranttigrex from discussion

This sentiment resonates with many fans who fell in love with the series for its brutal action and darker, horror-like storylines. Changing the core game design could further alienate a dedicated fan base.

Another user highlighted the fear of retcons, specifically around the iconic Emergence Day. They stated that they don’t want to see the chainsaw lancer at all, only the bayonet version. The Chainsaw variant of the lancer wasn’t introduced until after the E-Day in the timeline, hence, if following the lore, this weapon should not be available in the campaign.


This statement shows the importance of preserving the established timeline and technology within the Gears universe. Although the chainsaw lancer is a symbol of the series’ gritty and visceral combat, retconning elements like the lancer’s introduction could disrupt the continuity and the respect for lore that fans cherish.

It’s not just about the weapons or the setting, it’s also about maintaining the integrity of the world that has been precisely built over the years.


Preserving the Legacy of Gears of War

The game is set to release sometime in 2025.
The game is set to release sometime in 2025. Image via Xbox.

Another big aspect of this Reddit discussion included the tone and character interactions in Gears of War. One user pointed out that the tone set the older games apart from the other edgy dark gritty shooters from that time, and the dialogues and character interactions played a big part in accomplishing this, especially those of Baird and Cole. 

This highlights a core element that fans love – the dynamic between characters. The banter between Marcus Fenix, Dom, Cole, and Baird provided not just comic relief but also a sense of camaraderie and humanity amidst the war. These interactions made the characters relatable the story compelling, and the games all that more lovable.


Changing this dynamic or altering the tone could strip away what makes the series unique. Fans are not just invested in the gameplay, they’re invested in the characters and their stories, which haven’t been as compelling in Gears 4 and 5, according to a lot of fans.

These discussions reflect a broader sentiment within the Gears community. As we look forward to the next installment, it’s clear that fans want The Coalition to stay true to the series’ roots. While innovation and evolution are necessary for the series to evolve, it’s important to balance these with respect for the established lore and character dynamics that have come before it.

What do you think of any potential retcons or changes in Gears of War: E Day? Let us know in the comments.


Written by Suhaib Adeel

Articles Published: 155

Suhaib is a Gaming Content Writer at FandomWire. He's extremely passionate about video games and movies, and loves working in the pop culture space. Some of his favorite games include Fallout: New Vegas, Disco Elysium, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Persona 5, Final Fantasy XII, Dishonored, and Bloodborne.