“Stop trying to turn GTA 6 into a life simulator!”: GTA 5 Fans Want to Hold Onto That ‘Arcade’ Feeling, Despite Others Wanting a Roleplay Life Sim, But Who Is Right?

"I blame Rockstar. They spoiled us with RDR2."

gta 5, gta 6


  • Some GTA 6 fans are tired of hearing the game having realism in almost everything.
  • Players want the original arcade feeling of the Grand Auto Theft games in GTA 6.
  • Some fans want things like eating and drinking in the game but not too much of realism that it gets annoying.
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GTA 6 is one of the most anticipated titles and fans are hoping for a once in a lifetime like experience. Rockstar Games released the first ever trailer of the game last year, sending the fans into frenzy and now they await more information on the game.


As players await to hear more, they are discussing what GTA 6 should have and what it shouldn’t. It seems like some fans are looking for a roleplay life simulator experience in the game but the majority want the developers to stick to the signature Arcade feels of the franchise.

Fans Don’t Want GTA 6 to Be a Life Simulator

GTA 6 trailer beach scene
GTA 6 fans do not want the game to be turned into a life sim. Image via Rockstar Games

GTA franchise has always been a topic of discussion among players for various things such as its satirical takes on almost everything and everyone, adult themes, and more. Some fans want to see some realistic things in the game and one fan has had enough of these requests.


Reddit user Mrdifi took to the GTA 6 subreddit and shared a post ranting about how they are tired of people trying to turn the upcoming game into a life simulator. They said that the whole subreddit is people asking “about “realistic this” and “realistic that.”

They added that GTA 6 is a video game and GTA 5 was great because it was “arcady and fun, and you know what? GTA 6 will be too.” The player said that the game will have RP multiplayer servers but the game should remain what the franchise has always been about at its core, “a wild, exhilarating escape from reality.”

“Stop Trying to Turn GTA 6 into a Life Simulator!”
byu/Mrdifi inGTA6

“Stop trying to turn it into a mundane reflection of everyday life,” they concluded. Several players shared the emotions of OP and said that the game was great with the perfect balance of realism. One player added that the game had realism to the point that it felt great and also did not get annoying.


Rockstar Needs to Get the Realism Right in GTA 6

GTA 6 still featuring Lucia
Fans want the original Arcade feel of the GTA games. Image via Rockstar Games

Rockstar Games has never let players down with the right amount of realism in its game. Players have said that after what the developer did with GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2, they have nothing to worry about it in GTA 6.

Some fans have said that if the game has Red Dead Redemption 2‘s realism, they’ll be fine with it. There are also some that think the developer will be focusing on making the fun instead of what players want to see in the game and a majority of the things that players want will not be in the game.

Players have said that they want to see something like eating in San Andreas, weight loss in Red Dead Redemption 2, and other similar things. Rockstar Games has not yet shared anything about what kind of realism players can expect in the game but fans seem to want the old feel of GTA in GTA 6.


What are your thoughts about the discussion on realism in GTA 6? Let us know in the comments.


Written by Rohit Tiwari

Articles Published: 837

Rohit Tiwari is a Gaming Journalist and Editor at FandomWire. With a Master's degree in Mass Communication, Rohit combines academic insight with a passion for the games and the stories they tell. He is an ardent supporter of Real Madrid and when he's not busy playing games, you'll find him reading or idolizing the GOAT Cristiano Ronaldo.