“He didn’t touch New Vegas… Starfield was just a giant let down”: Fans Get into a Heated Debate Over Fallout Creator Todd Howard’s Legacy in Gaming Industry

Todd Howard is The Face of Bethesda. But it Comes With a Burden

Todd Howard, Fallout New Vegas
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/ Martin H.


  • Todd Howard, the face of Bethesda Game Studios, has long been a polarizing figure among gamers.
  • While titles like Fallout 3 and Skyrim solidified his reputation as a game developer, his more recent works, such as Fallout 4 and Starfield, have sparked intense debates.
  • While some view him as a visionary who brought us classics like Fallout 3 and Skyrim, others believe his recent works have failed to meet expectations.
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Todd Howard is one of the most iconic figures in the world of gaming. As the face of Bethesda Studios, he has received credit for successful releases such as Fallout 3 and Skyrim, which are remembered as monumental successes.


There have been numerous discussions over the recent past about his legacy as some fans argue that he hasn’t produced a standout game in a while. This isn’t entirely false as Bethesda’s recent releases of Fallout 4 and Starfield have been somewhat… lacking.

Has Todd Howard Really Fallen Off Like Some Believe?

Has Todd Howard Really Fallen Off Like Some Believe?
Are these Todd Howard opinions valid? | via Gamelab Congreso Videojuegos on Flickr

In a recent Reddit post that gained a fair amount of traction, u/TogOrfel started a discussion regarding Todd Howard’s recent career. Their main criticism of Howard wasn’t the fact that Bethesda’s recent releases have been somewhat lackluster, but that the community “acts like he walks on water.”


Todd Howard hasn’t created a good game in 12 years
byu/TogOrfel inFallout

u/TogOrfel continued to point out that Howard hasn’t made a “good game” since Fallout 3 and Skyrim, saying that “Fallout 4 was fairly meh” and Starfield was “a giant letdown.” As debates go on the internet, there were a lot of comments that agreed and disagreed with this opinion.

Some fans argued that this assessment wasn’t entirely true, saying that while Fallout 4 wasn’t a massive success, it did have good parts and also introduced new features to the series like settlements and crafting mechanics. 


byu/TogOrfel from discussion

Starfield too according to fans still has its positives, and isn’t a complete flop even though it overpromised and underdelivered in a way. Other users commented that while it was the start of a new story and IP for Bethesda, it really felt incomplete.

Todd Howard, Bethesda, and The Challenge of Making New IPs

Todd Howard, Bethesda, and The Challenge of Making New IPs
Has Todd Howard Really Fallen Off Like Some Believe? | Bethesda

One of the main reasons that Todd Howard is brought up so consistently in discussions like this is because he is the public face of Bethesda Studios. There are many interviews with him over the years where his personality and passion for gaming can be seen.


byu/darthkyle22 from discussion

But this visibility also means he bears the brunt of backlash when expectations are not met. The frequent delays and perceived over-promising in Bethesda’s game releases have added to the scrutiny Howard faces.

Interestingly, the way fans perceive and talk about Howard’s work varies a lot based on their experiences with the games. Older players who have followed Bethesda since its inception frequently have nostalgic feelings for games like Morrowind and Oblivion

Has Todd Howard Really Fallen Off Like Some Believe?
Todd Howard, Bethesda, and The Challenge of Making New IPs | Bethesda

They are more critical of new releases, comparing them unfavorably to the classics. Meanwhile, newer fans who discovered the franchise through Fallout 4 or Skyrim may have a more positive impression of his latest work.

byu/darthkyle22 from discussion

While fans have expressed an opinion that Bethesda should focus on existing properties such as Elder Scrolls and Fallout, other fans understand the importance of creativity. Discussions about Todd Howard’s legacy also touch on larger industrial trends like the difficulties of developing new intellectual property. 


Despite the mixed reviews and reception, Starfield is an excellent example of an ambitious attempt at something new, which Howard has long wanted to investigate.

Howard’s career shows the highs and lows of this balancing act, with fans constantly reevaluating his legacy, being both supporting and critical of it.


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 101

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.