“He has done more for The Boys than the actual Boys themselves”: One Supe Deserves His Redemption Arc in Season 4 for What He Has Done for the Heroes That’s Hard to Ignore

The character has tried to write it off as self interest, but this season sees him going out of his way to help The Boys.

the boys


  • A-Train from the The Boys has helped Billy Butcher and his team out on multiple occasions.
  • The character has done more to save the members of The Boys than themselves, despite having two supes on their team.
  • The character might look like he is turning over a new leaf, but given the show' s history, could be playing both sides or die before he is fully redeemed.
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This article contains spoilers from The Boys Season 4

As a team, The Boys are responsible for finding as much dirt on supes as possible, as a way to keep them in line so that they do not indulge in the powers given to them by Vought. Portraying heroes as an intersection between athletes and celebrities (with earth-shattering powers), The Boys have a very important job in their hands. However, it seems that lately, this job is better done by a super himself than The Boys, as pointed out by a Reddit post.

A-Train on Th Boys || Amazon Prime Video
A-Train on The Boys || Amazon Prime Video

A-Train was the character who set a lot of things in motion for the world of The Boys. He was the reason Hughie got involved in the story, to begin with. However, it seems that the character is having a change of heart, seeing through the product that Vought has made him into, and the lengths they are willing to go to hide the wrongs of supes, especially those who have hurt common folk.

A-Train might be a super, but through his brother, he has seen the kind of damage unchecked Supes can inflict on people. This has caused the character to develop a conscience, one that is on display, when he is asked to kill by Homelander, he does not outright refuse but does not go ahead with the killing either, other than stopping one of the victims from escaping.


A-Train has done more to help The Boys than defend Supes

A still featuring Sister Sage and A-Train in talks from Season 4 of The Boys
A still featuring Sister Sage and A-Train from Season 4 of The Boys | Amazon Prime Video

A-Train is still very subservient to Homelander, as most people are over at Vought. However, the character has taken to time to help The Boys more often than he would like, as his conscience has begun to catch up with him.

Not only does the character often find excuses to trade favors with The Boys, but the character has also provided crucial evidence to them A-Train, this season, risked his life to save Hughie from Homelander and provide Starlight with the clips she needed to free two of her followers, who were wrongly accused of killing three of Homelander’s fanatics, as was pointed out by Reddit user u/coolghozt, who said:

“This dude A-Train has done more for the boys than the actual boys themselves”:

This is true, given that more often than not, A-Train has risked his own standing in the company to go out of his way to help Hughie and The Boys. He was also responsible for helping The Boys get rid of Stormfront, which he did for his own purposes, but also to get even with Annie January and Hughie for saving his life.


A-Train might be turning to the good side, but that is not guaranteed

A-Train || Amazon Prime Video
A-Train || Amazon Prime Video

While A-Train has been showing some improvement when it comes to his attitude towards humans and non-supes, the character might switch his ways again. It needs to be noted that A-Train has begun to deploy care for his family, which could result in him listening to Homelander for their safety. However, given how the show has set up its deaths before, it is also possible that A-Train could be killed, or somehow decommissioned by the end of this season, which would take him out of the fight against Homelander.

A-Train will be key to fighting Homelander and dismantling Vought. While he might be in on the plan to take out Homelander, the character might not be so keen on taking out Vought, as without Homelander, he and the other supes of The Seven might still be able to retain their perks, having Homelander to deal with.

The Boys Season 4 is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video.


Written by Anuraag Chatterjee

Articles Published: 739

Anuraag Chatterjee, Web Content Writer
With a passion for writing fiction and non fiction content, Anuraag is a Media Science graduate with 2 year's experience with Marketing and Content, with 3 published poetry anthologies. Anuraag holds a Bacherlor's degree in Arts with a focus on Communication and Media Studies.