“He hasn’t let go of a decency I’ve seen so many others lose”: What Tom Cruise Has Said About Steven Spielberg Despite Their Feud Reassures Why He’s Above the Rest 

If you think that Steven Spielberg & Tom Cruise’s equation has become sour over time, think again!

Tom Cruise, Steven Spielberg
Credits: Wikimedia Commons / Martin Kraft


  • Two of Hollywood’s most recognizable names, Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg, were rumored to be at odds for a long time.
  • Despite their collaboration on the sci-fi action thriller War of the Worlds, their relationship soured due to various factors.
  • According to Cruise, Spielberg is far superior to the others in the business because of the director’s “decency”.
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Who in Tinseltown can really tell the real from the fake, especially when scandals and controversies in the entertainment business seem to be brewing all the time? However, here, Tom Cruise, an emblem of enduring star power, and Steven Spielberg, whose hands have sculpted the very landscape of modern entertainment, bridged a generation gap with an exchange that left us wondering if their feud was truly a thing of the past.

Two of Hollywood’s most recognizable names, Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg, were rumored to be at odds for a long time.
Tom Cruise in Steven Spielberg’s War of the Worlds | Paramount Pictures

They were praised as one of the most exciting actor-director duos on the sci-fi action thriller War of the Worlds. However, due to a variety of outside factors, Spielberg and Cruise’s relationship soured as the movie’s popularity grew. Well, we all know that Spielberg’s works are not just cinematic landmarks but also cultural touchstones.

From the heart-thumping chases in Indiana Jones to the stirring narratives of Schindler’s List, his work has gone beyond the screen to become entwined with our very collective consciousness.


With Cruise himself lauding Spielberg’s eternal “decency”, it is clear that the latter is clearly above the rest.

From Collaboration to Conflict: Inside Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg’s Rift

Despite working together on a massively successful film in 2005 (War of the Worlds), Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg’s relationship did not work out. Their appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show to promote their movie, War of the Worlds, was the catalyst for the conflict, as we learned from The Sun.

Despite Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg’s collaboration on the sci-fi action thriller War of the Worlds, their relationship soured due to various factors.
Tom Cruise in War of the Worlds | Paramount Pictures

While the director focused on promoting his film, Cruise talked about everything but his role in it. Not only did Spielberg take issue with the actor’s infamous couch jump while talking about the latter’s ex-wife, Katie Holmes, but he also felt that Cruise was abdicating his responsibility for the movie.


Despite War of the Worlds’ enormous box office success (see Box Office Mojo), Spielberg thought that Cruise’s peculiar actions had diminished the film’s potential for even greater profit.

Sure, one can’t deny the fact that almost twenty years is a long time to harbor resentment. However, thanks to Top Gun: Maverick, the actor-director team appears to have put an end to their animosity at the Oscar luncheon last year. Cruise and his $1 billion mega-blockbuster (Box Office Mojo) received glowing remarks from Spielberg (via Variety):

“You saved Hollywood’s a***, and you might have saved theatrical distribution.”

It remains to be seen if Cruise and Spielberg will collaborate once again following their fruitful 2005 partnership.


Tom Cruise’s Admirable Words About Steven Spielberg That Defy Feud Reports

Steven Spielberg, a master of the big screen, has created a legacy that outstrips mere filmmaking. His influence can be felt in every corner of popular culture, from blockbuster movies to theme parks. The director’s ability to connect with audiences on a deeply emotional level has consolidated his status as the king of the movie business.

According to Tom Cruise, Steven Spielberg is far superior to the others in the business because of the director’s “decency”.
Still from War of the Worlds | Paramount Pictures

Even his harshest critics cannot deny Spielberg’s talent and work ethic. He is a man who wears many hats: director, producer, businessman, and family man. Tom Cruise, who has worked closely with Spielberg in the past, praised the director for never losing his sense of “decency” in an industry known for its cutthroat nature (via The Guardian):

The thing about Steven is that he hasn’t let go of a decency I’ve seen so many others lose.

Thus, when it comes to Steven Spielberg, there’s no denying the impact he has had on the world of entertainment. His films have become cultural touchstones, revered by audiences young and old. And despite the controversies that may swirl around him, the A.I. Artificial Intelligence director, 77, remains a true artist – one who has earned his place on the pedestal and is not afraid to stand tall. 


War of the Worlds is available on Paramount +.


Written by Siddhika Prajapati

Articles Published: 1672

Between everyday normalities and supernatural abnormalities, Siddhika Prajapati finds the story in everything. Literature Honors Graduate and Post-Graduated in Journalism (from Delhi University), her undying need to deduce the extraordinary out of simplicity makes her a vibrant storyteller.

Serving as a Senior Entertainment Writer at Fandom Wire and having written over 1600 pieces, Siddhika has also worked with multiple clients and projects over the years, including Indian Express, India Today, and Outlook Group.

Who knows, maybe your next favorite persona on the screen will be crafted by her.