“Hellblade 2 has you literally walking around for an hour lighting torches”: Hellblade 2 Haters Prove the Court of Public Opinion Doesn’t Care How Good a Game You Make

Discover the debate around Hellblade 2: Senua's Saga and why critics miss the game's true brilliance.

Hellblade 2


  • Hellblade 2: Senua's Saga quickly sparking debate due to its immersive, slow-paced gameplay.
  • Critics focus on minor elements, like torch-lighting, missing the game's broader narrative and artistic achievements.
  • Ninja Theory's commitment to deep storytelling and atmosphere makes "Hellblade 2" a masterpiece that challenges conventional gaming expectations.
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Hellblade 2: Senua’s Saga recently launched and has quickly become a focal point of discussion within the gaming community. Developed by Ninja Theory, the game promised to build on the emotional depth and immersive storytelling of its predecessor. It will continue the story of Senua and her journey through landscapes haunted by Norse and Celtic lore. 


The gaming community can be an unforgiving place and the recent outcry over Hellblade 2: Senua’s Saga exemplifies this perfectly. Critics are latching onto a single gameplay element: walking around for an hour lighting torches as evidence of the game’s supposed mediocrity. However, this nitpicking overlooks the broader achievements of Ninja Theory in creating a deeply immersive and thematically rich experience.

Misguided Criticism against Hellblade 2: Senua’s Saga

Hellblade 2 graphics ready to raise the bar
Players’ unfair complaints about the story. | Ninja Theory’s Hellblade 2

The backlash against Hellblade 2 highlights a troubling trend in the gaming community: the rush to judgment and the preference for sensationalism over substance. Detractors seem more interested in generating controversy than engaging with the game’s deeper themes. One example of this would be where Senua is lighting the torch, which may seem to take too long, but it is far from being a tedious chore; it is a deliberate narrative device meant to immerse players in the protagonist’s struggle and solitude.


A tweet by JayDubcity16 sparked much of this debate, suggesting that the game’s pacing is indicative of poor design. Yet, such criticism misses the point entirely. Hellblade 2 isn’t a run-of-the-mill action game designed for instant gratification. It’s an exploration of psychological depth, with each moment carefully crafted to enhance the player’s connection to Senua’s journey. 

This superficial critique of the unfair people not only undermines the hard work of the developers but also does a disservice to gamers looking for meaningful and thought-provoking experiences. Often public opinion on popular social media platforms can be harsh and misguided. Hellblade 2 deserves recognition for its ambition and artistry, not dismissal based on narrow and short-sighted complaints. 


Hellblade 2’s Art of Storytelling 

Hellblade 2's Title image
Ninja Theory focuses on storytelling and character development. | Ninja Theory’s Hellblade 2

Ninja Theory’s dedication to storytelling and atmosphere is evident throughout the game. The meticulous attention to detail, stunning visuals, and haunting soundscapes create a world that is both captivating and unsettling. Every element, including the slower-paced segments, contributes to building an experience that is meant to be savored and reflected upon. 

Ninja Theory has proven time and again that they are capable of producing games that push the boundaries of interactive storytelling. The original Hellblade was lauded for its innovative approach to depicting mental illness and its compelling narrative. Hellblade 2 continues this tradition, offering a mature and introspective journey that challenges players to think and feel deeply.

Senua will confront Viking marauders in Hellblade 2.
Hellblade 2 continues the story of Senua’s mental struggle. | Ninja Theory’s Hellblade

In the end, the game’s detractors may be vocal, but their criticisms lack depth and understanding of how the game should be played. Moreover, the controversy serves as a reminder that innovation in gaming often faces resistance. Hellblade 2 is a testament to the power of video games as a form of artistic expression, both gamers and critics must approach such works with an appreciation for their depth and intent. 





Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 109

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.