1 Tiny Immersive Detail in Hellblade 2 is Something No Other Developer Thinks Of but Could Help Xbox Win Game of the Year

Ninja Theory is going the extra mile to create a realistic experience in Hellblade 2.

hellblade 2


  • Ninja Theory has been showing off more details about Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 to build hype before its launch.
  • The way Senua delivers her lines in the game will depend on the situation she is in, allowing for a higher level of immersion and realism.
  • The team's attention to detail could set the game apart and might make it a Game of the Year contender.
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In the lead-up to the long-awaited launch of Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2, Ninja Theory has been revealing more details about the game. One such detail might just land Xbox a Game of the Year nod later this year.


The studio placed a lot of focus on immersion and realism. Besides impressively realistic visuals, it also paid attention to how the game and its characters sound in ways other studios don’t. The title includes a seemingly tiny detail in how Senua speaks, which could tremendously elevate the experience.

Hellblade 2’s Detailed Realism Could Make It a GOTY Contender

The way Senua delivers her lines in <em>Hellblade 2</em> depends on whether she's walking or running.
The way Senua delivers her lines in Hellblade 2 depends on whether she’s walking or running.

In a post on Xbox Wire about Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2’s state-of-the-art performance capture, Senua actress Melina Juergens spoke about her efforts to bring the protagonist to life on screen. She doesn’t just achieve this through her movements and facial expressions, but also her voice.


According to the actress, the circumstances Senua finds herself in will affect the way she speaks. For this, several versions of dialog have been recorded. Depending on whether Senua is standing still, walking, or running, the line will be delivered in a slightly different manner.

This way, her speech will reflect whatever situation she finds herself in. After all, nobody would speak the same regardless of whether they’re walking or running. By including this detail in the game, the studio aims to take realism to a new level and allow a deep immersion for players.

This attention to detail sets Hellblade 2 apart from other titles, as most studios neglect these seemingly small aspects. While this might sound like a tiny detail, it can have a significant effect on how immersive the experience feels, so much so that it could even give the Xbox studio an edge at the Game Awards later this year.


Hellblade 2 Promises to Be a Truly Immersive Experience

Ninja Theory has gone out of its way to create an immersive and realistic experience in <em>Hellblade 2</em>.
Ninja Theory has gone out of its way to create an immersive and realistic experience in Hellblade 2.

Ninja Theory has put a lot of effort into crafting a game that will allow players to feel the protagonist and become her as they play through her unique journey. This is also reflected in Hellblade 2’s use of binaural audio recordings that ensure a lifelike auditory experience.

From dialog and environmental sounds to the voices Senua hears in her head, this innovative technology ensures spatial audio that mimics the real world.

The team didn’t leave any stone unturned. It even underwent intense training and built scaffolding to simulate climbing sequences instead of relying on computer animations to make them look and feel as realistic as possible.


From everything that has been revealed about the game, Hellblade 2 is shaping up to deliver a unique and nuanced experience that could set new standards in realism and immersion in the industry.

Do you think these seemingly tiny details Ninja Theory has implemented in Hellblade 2 will improve your experience in the game? Are you excited to pick it up when it launches on May 21? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Lisa Kamlot

Articles Published: 75

Lisa is a passionate video game content writer with an insatiable appetite for all things gaming and an avid movie enthusiast. When she’s not diving into virtual worlds, she’s riding waves as a dedicated surfer. She’s always on a quest for adventure – both in the digital realm and IRL.