Hellblade 2 PS5 Rumor Further Confirms Helldivers 2 Xbox Release Prediction

Hell is about to freeze over for console warriors.

hellblade 2, helldivers 2


  • Rumors about Hellblade 2 coming to PS5 resurfaced after a report suggested Microsoft is re-evaluating its stance on exclusives.
  • This could be a strategic move by Microsoft to pressure Sony into allowing Helldivers 2 on Xbox in exchange for Hellblade 2 on PS5.
  • While Hellblade 2's launch focuses on Xbox Series and PC in May 2024, a multiplatform release on PS5 later can't be entirely ruled out.
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The flip-flopping regarding which Xbox first-party games are bound to go multiplatform next continues, that too with a familiar name. Back in February, before Microsoft announced that it would port four first-party games to competitors, the upcoming Hellblade 2 was rumored to come to PS5.


However, it was dispelled by Xbox insider Jez Corden, stating that the company wasn’t planning it yet. Now, though, the rumors have started back up again. After Xbox’s closure of four Bethesda studios in the past week, a new report alleges that Hellblade 2 may make it to PS5, after all.

Microsoft May Be Considering A PS5 Port of Hellblade 2

After the initial batch of four games, Hellblade 2 is reportedly high up on the list for more multiplatform releases.
After the initial batch of four games, Hellblade 2 is reportedly high up on the list for more multiplatform releases | Ninja Theory

The report comes from The Verge, claiming that Microsoft is grappling with how to manage its menagerie of studios and IPs. One point of contention is the company’s stance on exclusives. While Xbox has traditionally relied on exclusive titles to drive console sales, the recent success of Sea of Thieves on PS5 may open the floodgates further.


This internal debate brings us to Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2. The Verge’s report claims that the company is considering bringing the highly anticipated Ninja Theory sequel to PlayStation 5. The first game, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, actually launched as a timed exclusive for PS4, so it does make sense to launch the sequel on the current-gen Sony console.

There’s reason to believe such a move could be beneficial for both sides. For Microsoft, expanding Hellblade 2‘s reach could significantly boost sales and potentially generate renewed interest in the Xbox ecosystem for PlayStation players. Conversely, PlayStation fans love a third-person action-adventure title, and Hellblade 2 is so far the highest-quality, most immersive game in the genre.


Sony Might Pull A Quid Pro Quo With A Fan-Favorite Game

PlayStation might just feel generous and bring Helldivers 2 to Xbox consoles after all.
PlayStation might just feel generous and bring Helldivers 2 to Xbox consoles after all | Arrowhead

However, the possibility of Hellblade 2 on PS5 could also be part of a larger strategic maneuver by Microsoft. Helldivers 2, the smash-hit co-op shooter from Arrowhead Studios, released exclusively on PS5 and PC earlier this year, and unexpectedly took off in a major way.

It was such a big hit that over 100,000 Xbox fans signed a petition requesting Sony to port Helldivers 2 to Xbox consoles. Sony didn’t take much heed of the pleas, although a recent unconfirmed rumor does claim that PlayStation’s new CEO may be more open to the prospect and is having early discussions with Arrowhead.


In this scenario, Microsoft offering Hellblade 2 to PS5 could be a calculated move to entice Sony to reciprocate by allowing Helldivers 2 on Xbox platforms. This ‘quid pro quo’ situation would benefit both companies by expanding the reach of their respective titles without sacrificing exclusivity entirely.

A still from Hellblade 2
A still from Hellblade 2 | Ninja Theory

The confirmation of Hellblade 2 arriving on PS5 is likely a ways off, as the immediate focus will likely be on the game’s May 21 launch for Xbox Series X/S and PC. However, the report indicates that it may not be a long time until the long-awaited sequel is announced to go multiplatform.


If such a shift materializes, fans on both PlayStation and Xbox could be treated to a wider selection of high-quality exclusives, while developers benefit from a larger player base. It’s a win-win for everyone, except console warriors.


Written by Viraaj Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 247

A lifelong gamer, lover of cars, and Master's student of Automotive Journalism, Viraaj Bhatnagar is a gaming writer at FandomWire who aims to be one of the greats. When he's not hunched over on his laptop typing out copy, he can be found lapping circuits in Gran Turismo or slaying draugr in God of War.