“It’s only so fun for so long”: Not Helldivers 2’s Balance Issues or Lack of Illuminate, But Another Problem Faces Arrowhead as Fans Have Caught On

Helldivers 2 players may be persistent, but even they have limits to their patience.

Helldivers 2


  • Helldivers 2 Major Orders are placed on planets that require liberation for the war.
  • Some players are expressing their dissatisfaction with having to liberate the same planet repeatedly.
  • They claim that Arrowhead no longer has new content, leading some players to turn away from the title entirely.
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The war in Helldivers 2 is a relentless and never-ending pursuit of Super Earth’s supremacy. Helldivers are eager to ensure the battlefield is always in their favor, but some feel battle fatigue differently.


Helldivers 2 planets are the biggest goals to achieve in the game, requiring the entire player base to work together to conquer one. However, it seems some soldiers are growing tired of the same task and are expressing their lack of interest.

Helldivers 2 Major Orders Are Getting Repetitive for Players


Live-service titles succeed when as studio is able to provide a consistent reason for the players to keep coming back to the title. This helps keep the revenue flowing as the studio works on charting out the roadmap for the title. But, it seems Helldivers 2 fans are not happy with how Major Orders are panning out.


These Orders are typically aimed at helping to conquer a certain planet, but there are only so many to go around. Eventually, the same planet would need liberation once again, and it seems to have happened one too many times for one Helldiver. u/nice1324 has shared how they are now growing disinterested in the game.

They state that the title appears to be rehashing the same content over and over. The new Helldivers 2 CEO had previously stated Arrowhead would revisit old content, but fans did not expect it to happen in such a manner. Replies to their post speak out about how many times they have defended the same planet so far.

byu/nice1324 from discussion

Others state that the repetition is causing them to lose interest in completing the Major Orders.

byu/nice1324 from discussion

Another player says it feels like the war isn’t progressing at all.

byu/nice1324 from discussion

One reply suggests that the developers now don’t have any more planets to assign, and there is no new content.

byu/nice1324 from discussion

While Arrowhead has vowed to improve the Warbonds, the studio must also look at how it can enhance the day-to-day gameplay experience. The title is at risk of losing more players if things don’t get more interesting soon.


Helldivers 2 Players Demand Improvements to the Game

The soldiers in Helldivers 2 standing atop a cliff triumphantly.
Helldivers 2 needs to add some fresh content to retain players. | Credits: Arrowhead Game Studios

Aside from complaints about the content, players have been outspoken about several performance issues they faced in the game. Helldivers 2 has a lot of bugs and glitches that need to be worked through, with the latest referring to the anti-cheat software used in the game. Many believe the intensive program is the cause behind the loss in frame rates and choppy performance.

Arrowhead uses nProtect GameGuard in the game, and many players have stated that the program takes up a lot of their processing power. This may not be an issue affecting many Helldivers 2 PS5 players, but PC players have asked if the software can be dropped due to performance issues.

Given there are already several tools players can use to deal with in-game cheaters, it would make sense. The cheaters are also not affecting players directly due to a lack of PvP, so the game should not suffer greatly from the lack of the software.


What are your thoughts on liberating the same planets in the game? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 357

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.