Helldivers 2 is at Breaking Point: Features Held Together by ‘Tape and Prayers’

Time and again it shows that players’ trust in the system is important.

helldivers 2


  • Helldivers 2's report and social features are barely functional leading to widespread discontent.
  • The devs are rebuilding core systems from scratch, leaving the game in a precarious state.
  • Despite the current issues, there is hope for significant improvements if the developers can effectively address the problems.
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Once a beacon of cooperative gameplay, Helldivers 2 is now teetering on the edge of fallout. The players seem not only frustrated but as if they are on the mark to do a complete boycott.


Okay, maybe we are exaggerating it. But what’s exactly gone wrong though The game’s pride now hangs by a thread. Are the devs in over their heads?

Crumbling Systems and Mounting Frustration Regarding Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 planet
Helldivers 2 is a shadow of the game it once was. | Image credits: Arrowhead Game Studios

The reporting mechanism, a crucial tool for maintaining fair play, is in a ditch. That’s what we can tell from forum-based discussions. Players find themselves unable to report cheaters with the system often restricting valid complaints.

Report mechanism is worthless
byu/snatcha08 inHelldivers

All of this has led to rampant cheating and a growing distrust in the game’s ability to police itself. One player recounts their experience of encountering a cheater who glitched samples in multiple games.

Despite clear evidence of cheating, the player was unable to file a report, highlighting a significant flaw in the system. Arrowhead Game Studios is reportedly aiming for long-term progression with Helldivers 2.

byu/snatcha08 from discussion

Besides, friend lists that don’t work, unusable friend codes, and block lists that can’t add anyone—these are just a few of the issues plaguing the game. The social system, essential for a cooperative game, is barely functional.

byu/snatcha08 from discussion

Gamers describe their attempts to connect with friends as a waiting game, leading to widespread frustration. The inability to easily join friends or block disruptive players diminishes the cooperative experience, which is at the heart of Helldivers 2‘s appeal.

Developers are in the process of rebuilding the social system from scratch. While this shows a commitment to improvement, the interim period is fraught with problems. Some fans feel that Helldivers 2 doesn’t give the weapons the respect they deserve.

Looking Forward to A Path of Redemption

Can the developers salvage Helldiver 2?
Can the developers salvage Helldivers 2? | Image credits: Arrowhead Game Studios

The current system, held together by “tape and prayers,” receives minimal maintenance, causing further instability and aggravation among players. The transition phase has left players dealing with an assortment of temporary fixes and inconsistent functionality, exacerbating the already fragile state of the game’s infrastructure.


The question is: will they rise to the challenge and transform Helldivers 2 into the polished gem it has the potential to be, or will it remain a janky mess held together by tape and prayers?

Understanding the challenges faced by the developers is crucial. The decision to rebuild the social system from the ground up indicates that the developers are aware of the issues and are committed to long-term solutions rather than quick fixes.

Helldivers 2 needs more than just technical fixes; it requires a renewed focus on community engagement and transparent communication. Players need to feel that their feedback is being heard and acted upon.


What do you think the future holds for Helldivers 2? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Written by Arkaneel Khan

Articles Published: 172

I travel. I game. I write. In no strict order.

The single biggest lie told all around is, "It isn't that simple." It is simple, everything is. And that is what I emulate in my writing. No unnecessary jargons and no flamboyant flourish. Just what's needed to get your imagination going. After all mind has no limit, unlike the written word.