“Dear Arrowhead… This is getting ridiculous”: Helldivers 2 Complaints Keep Coming as Latest Includes Homing Missile Explosive Bots

They fly, and torpedo now!

helldivers 2


  • Helldivers 2 player finds a new glitch that causes players so much grief.
  • The Automatons have a new trick up their sleeve, but it may not be intentional.
  • There are still plenty of bugs, but Arrowhead Game Studios are working to fix them.
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It has been a good few months since Helldivers 2 was released, and players are still loving the explosive-filled gameplay. Unfortunately, with all of the things the game does right, there are dozens of things the game does wrong.


One of the biggest issues that players have with Helldivers 2 is the numerous bugs that have infested the game right down to its core, and no, I don’t mean the Terminids. But one player has found an even more irritating bug related to the Automatons, and it could easily be fixed.

Flying Automatons Have Never Been More of a Threat in Helldivers 2 Than They Are Now

Helldivers showing off the Helldivers 2 Warbond.
The Automatons may have gone a bit too far with this unit. Image credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

Throughout Helldivers 2, there are plenty of threats to players that can easily take them out and cause them to waste their lives. Sadly, each day, players are finding even more life-threatening issues within the game.


One player has even taken to Reddit to showcase one glitch related to one specific Automaton enemy that has been causing them grief recently.

The player in question is known as YorhaUnit8S and the enemy in question is the regular Automaton mob with a jetpack. Usually the worst issue with these enemies is that when you shoot their backpack, they explode and likely blow up the player in the process.

Dear Arrowhead. Please fix explosive backpack bots being obviously dragged right to the player upon their death. This is getting ridiculous.
byu/YorhaUnit8S inHelldivers

Unfortunately, this glitch takes this one step further, as it has recently been observed that once these enemies are defeated, their ragdoll physics sends them hurtling towards the player like a rocket, more than likely harming or killing them.


For many reasons, this can be detrimental for players, as fighting one of these enemies may be quite simple, but when 5 of these units are charging at you and they all die and fly towards you in one last-ditch attempt to kill you, it can ruin the Helldivers 2 experience.

Arrowhead Game Studios Still Has a Large Number of Glitches to Fix, Even After Its Recent Patch

Helldiver running away from Terminid Bile.
Helldivers 2 is still full of glitches that developers can’t keep up with. Image credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

The issue detailed above isn’t necessarily the worst issue in the game, as this enemy unit can easily be avoided once it is hurtling towards you, but there are still plenty of other glitches that still need fixing by Arrowhead Game Studios.

Unfortunately, until this issue is rectified, many players will likely avoid the Automaton front, as it is already chaotic, to say the least. Leaving the major order unlikely to be completed by the community, players will likely lose more missions than they will win due to this glitch.


Throughout the game, there are still dozens of issues, like permanent loading screens, game crashes, a lack of matchmaking, and so many more, that Arrowhead Game Studios needs to look into.

Thankfully, Arrowhead Game Studios has already begun to release patches to fix some of the more major bugs that plague the game, but some of the minor issues will hopefully be fixed soon to help players enjoy the game once more.

What do you think about this Automatons last-ditch effort to defeat the Helldivers? Have you witnessed this chaotic event? Let us know in the comments what you think!


Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 521

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.