“Finally, I’ve been waiting for new bugs!”: Helldivers 2’s Newest Enemies Aren’t the Illuminate, But New Reinforcements to the Current Factions

Helldivers 2’s newest update is upping the ante by bolstering the bug forces.

helldivers 2


  • Helldivers 2 is getting the Escalation of Freedom update, which brings a host of new additions to the game.
  • Arrowhead has stated that there are going to be three new enemy types added to the Terminid faction.
  • These new enemies offer different challenges, and players will need to change their playstyle accordingly.
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Helldivers 2 has been in a bit of a rut since the great account-linking debacle. The game has lost the peak concurrent players it once enjoyed, and there has been a wave of criticism regarding performance issues and content updates.


Well, Arrowhead Game Studios may have solved the latter with their latest update. Titled Escalation of Freedom, it brings a bunch of new additions that can vastly change the Helldivers 2 experience.

Helldivers 2 Update Brings New Bugs, Bots, and Bigger Goals to the Game

A bug launches an acid attack towards the Helldivers.

Updates are necessary for live-service titles to ensure players keep coming back. Content updates in the game have been coming through Warbonds, introducing new gear and missions for players. The latest Helldivers 2 Freedom major update is taking it a step further and affecting game modes.

Helldivers 2 - Escalation of Freedom Announcement Trailer | PS5 & PC Games

The announcement trailer for the game goes into detail regarding the various additions coming to the game. Some of the notable additions are new varieties of Terminids and Automatons, as well as bigger enemy outposts. While it is not the Illuminate, a faction many Helldivers 2 fans are eagerly awaiting, it should add a new level of challenge to the game.

One of the new enemy types is The Impaler, a hulking Terminid that can drive tentacles through the ground and spring up around the player. The developers have stated that this move can keep the Helldiver from making a hasty retreat when things get dicey.

There is also the Spore Charger, another hulking behemoth which should be difficult to take down by a single Helldiver. Constantly surrounded by fog, it should provide some entertaining jump scares when it rushes the player.


New Brood Commanders are also going to be introduced, and they will spawn a new class of reinforcement, which should make taking them down even harder. These new bugs are going to act as reinforcement and additional firepower for those already on the battlefield and require the player to think on their feet.

Helldivers 2 Enemies Variation Could Bring Back Fans to the Game

Helldivers standing atop a cliff triumphantly with Terminid claws underneath them in Helldivers 2.
Helldivers 2 players are finally getting new challenges! | Credits: Arrowhead Game Studios

Players have been complaining about the lack of variety in the title for a while now. While some new enemies were added, they did not pose a major challenge and thus did not pique much interest either. Some fans have also been complaining about the repetition of goals such as liberating the same planet again and again.

This update should help to solve those issues, as players can take time to understand how to take down these new enemies. The higher difficulty level will also make things interesting for the veteran player, who does not feel most missions are challenging enough now.


Traversal is also going to get more challenging as Arrowhead has now introduced new environmental hazards that need to be taken into account during missions. The acid storm might help you deal more damage, but you are going to take more in turn as well, so stay on your feet while shooting.

This update appears to be the very thing it needs to reignite fans’ interest. However, the performance issues still exist, and Arrowhead needs to solve them too. Which enemy are you most eager to take down? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 371

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.